These platoons were assigned to the anti-tank battalion of infantry and armored divisions early in the war for use against bunkers and armored targets.


Officers 1
Non-commissioned officers 3
Enlisted 35
Rifles 34
Pistols 5
8,8 cm Flak 18 2
Light cars 1
Light trucks 6
Mittlere Zugkraftwagen 8 t (Sd Kfz 7) 2
Sonderanhänger 201 2

Organization and Equipment

Full name: Geschützzug 8,8 cm Flak 18 (zu 2 Geschützen) (mot Z)

Abbreviation: Gesch Zg 8,8 cm Flak 18 (2 Gesch) (mot Z)

Number: 447

Date: 1 August 1938

  • Platoon headquartersZugtrupp
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    • Officers
    • 1 platoon leaderZugführer
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      (Officer - Z)
      • Pistols: 1
    • Non-commissioned officers
    • 1 NCO for special use (NCO - G)
      • Also for master sergeantOberwachtmeister
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      • Pistols: 1
    • Enlisted
    • 1 car driverKraftwagenfahrer für Pkw.
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      (Enlisted - M)
      • Rifles: 1
    • 2 motorcycle messengerKraftradmelder
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      (Enlisted - M)
      • Rifles: 2
      • Light motorcycles: 2
  • 1 Light car (4 seats)
  • PlatoonZug
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    • Non-commissioned officers
    • 2 gun commanderGeschützführer
      Look up term
      (NCO - G)
      • Pistols: 2
    • Enlisted
    • 16 cannoneerKanonier
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      (Enlisted - M)
      • 1 gun battery mechanicBatterieschlosser
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        , 2 for telephone operatorFernsprecher
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      • Rifles: 15
      • Pistols: 1
    • 8 ammunition bearerMunitionskanonier
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      (Enlisted - M)
      • Also motor vehicle co-driverBeifahrer für Kw.
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      • Rifles: 8
    • 6 truck driverKraftwagenfahrer für Lkw.
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      (Enlisted - M)
      • Rifles: 6
    • 2 prime mover driverKraftwagenfahrer für Zgkw.
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      (Enlisted - M)
      • Rifles: 2
  • 2 8,8 cm Flak 18
  • 6 Light trucks, open, for ammunition and equipment
  • 2 Mittlere Zugkraftwagen 8 t (Sd Kfz 7)
  • 2 Sonderanhänger 201


  • 2 platoon members were to be designated as auxiliary stretcher bearerHilfskrankenträger
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  • Accounting-wise, the platoon was to be subject of the tank destroyer battalion to which it was assigned.


  1. Gerät- und Personalverteilung für 8,8 cm Flakzüge. AHA/In 4 (VI a), 1938. 6 p. AHA/In 4 (VI a) Nr. 1287/37 g.Kdos.. DHI 500-12451-000003.