K St N 1161: Panzer-Sturmmörserkompanie "Tiger", 15 September 1944
The Panzer-Sturmmörserkompanie "Tiger" was an independent company armed with the Panzersturmmörser that could be assigned to other units for specific combat missions. This table of organization and equipment came into effect on 7 October 1944 as a new unit type.
Unit outline
- Unit commandGruppe Führer
Look up term- Company headquartersKompanietrupp
Look up term - Light, motorized field telephone cable teamFeldkabeltrupp
Look up term 3
- Company headquartersKompanietrupp
- 1st platoonZug
Look up term - 2nd platoonZug
Look up term - Combat trainGefechtstroß
Look up term- Backup crewWechselbesatzung
Look up term
- Backup crewWechselbesatzung
- Motor vehicle maintenance sectionKraftfahrzeuginstandsetzungsgruppe
Look up term
Manpower and equipment
The numbers in the table refer to the original organization. See the list of changes below.
Unit commandGruppe Führer Look up term |
1st platoonZug Look up term |
2nd platoonZug Look up term |
Combat trainGefechtstroß Look up term |
Motor vehicle maintenance sectionKraftfahrzeuginstandsetzungsgruppe Look up term |
Total | |
Officers | 2 | 1 | 1 | - | - | 4 |
Non-commissioned officers | 6 | 7 | 7 | 7 | 3 | 30 |
Enlisted | 8 | 5 | 5 | 17 | 8 | 43 |
Rifles | 8 | 1 | 1 | 16 | 8 | 33 |
Pistols | 2 | 8 | 8 | 7 | 2 | 27 |
Submachine guns | 6 | 4 | 4 | 2 | 1 | 17 |
Light machine guns | 1 | 2 | 2 | - | - | 5 |
38 cm Stu M | - | 2 | 2 | - | - | 4 |
Light, cross-country cars (4 seats) | 2 | - | - | 1 | 1 | 4 |
Open, cross-country, 3 ton trucks | - | - | - | 9 | 2 | 11 |
Light motorcycles (350 cc) | 1 | 1 | 1 | - | - | 3 |
Motorcycles with sidecars | 1 | - | - | 1 | - | 2 |
Panzersturmmörser | - | 2 | 2 | - | - | 4 |
Mittlerer Beobachtungspanzerwagen (Sd Kfz 251/18) | 1 | - | - | - | - | 1 |
Organization and Equipment
Full name: Panzer-Sturmörserkompanie "Tiger"
Abbreviation: Panz Stu Mörs Kp "Tiger"
Number: 1161
Date: 15 September 1944
The following changes were made to the table of organization and equipment:
Date | Change |
5 October 1944 | 1 ordnance sergeantFeuerwerker Look up term with rank groupStellengruppe Look up term O with 1 pistol added to train (unit)Troß Look up term |
21 October 1944 | 1 ordnance sergeantFeuerwerker Look up term with rank groupStellengruppe Look up term O with 1 pistol added to unit commandGruppe Führer Look up term |
These changes increased the number of pistols and non-commissioned officers by 1. |
Unit commandGruppe Führer
Look up term- Officers
1 company commanderKompanieführer
Look up term (Officer - K)- Pistols: 1
1 artillery observation officerBeobachtungsoffizier
Look up term (Officer - Z)- Submachine guns: 1
- Non-commissioned officers
1 ordnance sergeantFeuerwerker
Look up term (NCO - O)- Added on 21 October 1944
- Pistols: 1
Company headquartersKompanietrupp
Look up term- Non-commissioned officers
1 company hearquarters leaderKompanietruppführer
Look up term (NCO - G)- Also writing clerkSchreiber
Look up term - Rifles: 1
- Also writing clerkSchreiber
1 scissor telescope sergeantScherenfernrohrunteroffizier
Look up term (NCO - G)- Also range finderEntfernungsmesser
Look up term operator - Submachine guns: 1
- Also range finderEntfernungsmesser
2 aiming circle sergeantRichtkreisunteroffizier
Look up term (NCO - G)- Submachine guns: 2
1 armored vehicle radio operatorFunker in gp. Kw.
Look up term (NCO - G)- Rifles: 1
1 prime mover driverKraftwagenfahrer für Zgkw.
Look up term (NCO - G)- There is partially legible note tying together the Sd Kfz 251/18 and Panzersturmmörser drivers
- Enlisted
1 armored vehicle radio operatorFunker in gp. Kw.
Look up term (Enlisted - M)- Rifles: 1
1 messengerMelder
Look up term (Enlisted - M)- Also machine gunnerMaschinengewehrschütze
Look up term and voice radio operatorSprechfunker
Look up term - Pistols: 1
- Also machine gunnerMaschinengewehrschütze
2 motorcycle messengerKraftradmelder
Look up term (Enlisted - M)- Rifles: 2
- Light motorcycles (350 cc): 1
- Motorcycles with sidecar: 1
1 car driverKraftwagenfahrer für Pkw.
Look up term (Enlisted - M)- Submachine guns: 1
- Equipment
1 Light, cross-country car (4 seats)
1 Mittlere Beobachtungspanzerwagen (Sd Kfz 251/18)
- Submachine guns: 1
- Light machine guns: 1
Light, motorized field telephone cable teamFeldkabeltrupp
Look up term 3- Enlisted
3 telephone operatorFernsprecher
Look up term operator (Enlisted - M)- 1 also team leaderTruppführer
Look up term - 1 also car driverKraftwagenfahrer für Pkw.
Look up term - Rifles: 3
- 1 also team leaderTruppführer
- Equipment
1 Light, cross-country car (4 seats)
1st platoon
- Officers
1 platoon leaderZugführer
Look up term (Officer - Z)- Also armored vehicle commanderPanzerführer
Look up term - Pistols: 1
- Also armored vehicle commanderPanzerführer
- Non-commissioned officers
1 armored vehicle commanderPanzerführer
Look up term (NCO - O)- Pistols: 1
2 armored vehicle driverKraftwagenfahrer für gp. Kw.
Look up term (NCO - G)- There is partially legible note tying together the Sd Kfz 251/18 and Panzersturmmörser drivers
2 radio operatorFunker
Look up term (NCO - G)- Also machine gunnerMaschinengewehrschütze
Look up term - Pistols: 2
- Also machine gunnerMaschinengewehrschütze
2 artillery observation sergeantBeobachtungsunteroffizier
Look up term (NCO - G)- Also voice radio operatorSprechfunker
Look up term - Submachine guns: 2
- Also voice radio operatorSprechfunker
- Enlisted
4 loaderLadeschütze
Look up term (Enlisted - M)- Pistols: 4
1 motorcycle messengerKraftradmelder
Look up term (Enlisted - M)- Rifles: 1
- Light motorcycles (350 cc): 1
- Equipment
2 Panzersturmmörser
- Submachine guns: 2
- Light machine guns: 2
- 38 cm Stu M: 2
- 2nd platoon (as 1st platoon)
Combat trainGefechtstroß
Look up term- Non-commissioned officers
1 Hauptfeldwebelfirst sergeant
Look up term (NCO - O)- Also first sergeantHauptfeldwebel
Look up term and section leader - Submachine guns: 1
- Also first sergeantHauptfeldwebel
1 ordnance sergeantFeuerwerker
Look up term (NCO - O)- Added on 5 October 1944
- Rifles: 1
1 harness sergeantSchirrmeister
Look up term (NCO - O)- Submachine guns: 1
1 weapons sergeantWaffenunteroffizier
Look up term (NCO - O)- Also motor vehicle co-driverBeifahrer für Kw.
Look up term - Pistols: 1
- Also motor vehicle co-driverBeifahrer für Kw.
1 field kitchen sergeantFeldkochunteroffizier
Look up term (NCO - G)- Also secondary motor vehicle driver2. Kraftwagenfahrer für Kw.
Look up term - Rifles: 1
- Also secondary motor vehicle driver2. Kraftwagenfahrer für Kw.
1 medical sergeantSanitätsunteroffizier
Look up term (NCO - G)- Pistols: 1
- Enlisted
1 assistant armorerWaffenmeistergehilfe
Look up term (Enlisted - M)- Also motor vehicle co-driverBeifahrer für Kw.
Look up term - Rifles: 1
- Also motor vehicle co-driverBeifahrer für Kw.
1 writing clerkSchreiber
Look up term (Enlisted - M)- Also car driverKraftwagenfahrer für Pkw.
Look up term - Rifles: 1
- Also car driverKraftwagenfahrer für Pkw.
1 stretcher bearerKrankenträger
Look up term (Enlisted - M)- Pistols: 1
- Motorcycles with sidecar: 1
1 field kitchen cookFeldkoch
Look up term (Enlisted - M)- Rifles: 1
9 truck driverKraftwagenfahrer für Lkw.
Look up term (Enlisted - M)- Rifles: 9
2 Ammunition handlers (Enlisted - M)
- Also secondary truck driver2. Kraftwagenfahrer für Lkw
Look up term - Rifles: 2
- Also secondary truck driver2. Kraftwagenfahrer für Lkw
- Equipment
1 Light, cross-country car (4 seats)
1 Open, cross-country, 3 ton truck
- For small field kitchen cooker and rations
1 Open, cross-country, 3 ton truck
- For equipment and baggage
3 Open, cross-country, 3 ton trucks
- For fuel
4 Open, cross-country, 3 ton trucks
- For ammunition
Backup crewWechselbesatzung
Look up term- Non-commissioned officers
1 armored vehicle commanderPanzerführer
Look up term (NCO - G)- Also motor vehicle co-driverBeifahrer für Kw.
Look up term - Pistols: 1
- Also motor vehicle co-driverBeifahrer für Kw.
1 armored vehicle driverKraftwagenfahrer für gp. Kw.
Look up term (NCO - G)- Also motor vehicle co-driverBeifahrer für Kw.
Look up term - Pistols: 1
- Also motor vehicle co-driverBeifahrer für Kw.
- Enlisted
1 radio operatorFunker
Look up term (Enlisted - M)- Also machine gunnerMaschinengewehrschütze
Look up term and motor vehicle co-driverBeifahrer für Kw.
Look up term - Pistols: 1
- Also machine gunnerMaschinengewehrschütze
1 loaderLadeschütze
Look up term (Enlisted - M)- Also motor vehicle co-driverBeifahrer für Kw.
Look up term - Pistols: 1
- Also motor vehicle co-driverBeifahrer für Kw.
Backup crewWechselbesatzung
Look up term- Non-commissioned officers
1 armored vehicle mechanicPanzerwart
Look up term I (NCO - G)- Also Motor vehicle maintenance sectionKraftfahrzeuginstandsetzungsgruppe
Look up term commanderFührer
Look up term - Feldwebelstaff sergeant
Look up term - Submachine guns: 1
- Also Motor vehicle maintenance sectionKraftfahrzeuginstandsetzungsgruppe
1 armored vehicle mechanicPanzerwart
Look up term I (NCO - G)- Also equipment managerGerätverwalter
Look up term - Pistols: 1
- Also equipment managerGerätverwalter
1 armored vehicle radio mechanicPanzerfunkwart
Look up term (NCO - G)- Pistols: 1
- Enlisted
4 armored vehicle mechanicPanzerwart
Look up term I (Enlisted - M)- 1 blacksmithSchmied
Look up term and armored vehicle electro welderPanzerelektroschweißer
Look up term - 1 armored vehicle electricianPanzerelektriker
Look up term - Rifles: 4
- 1 blacksmithSchmied
4 armored vehicle mechanicPanzerwart
Look up term II (Enlisted - M)- 1 also car driverKraftwagenfahrer für Pkw.
Look up term - 2 also truck driverKraftwagenfahrer für Lkw.
Look up term - Rifles: 4
- 1 also car driverKraftwagenfahrer für Pkw.
- Equipment
1 Light, cross-country car (4 seats)
1 Open, cross-country, 3 ton truck
- Equipped according to service manual D 623/3
1 Open, cross-country, 3 ton truck
- For spare parts
- 4 company members were to be designated as auxiliary stretcher bearerHilfskrankenträger
Look up term. - Of the 30 NCOs, 2 were Oberfeldwebeltechnical sergeant
Look up term and 4 Feldwebelstaff sergeant
Look up term. - The company was to have a gas detection teamGasspürtrupp
Look up term consisting of 1 non-commissioned officer and 3 enlisted, and a decontamination teamTruppenentgiftungstrupp
Look up term consisting of 1 leader and 6 enlisted (one of which, to the extent available, should be either one medical sergeantSanitätsunteroffizier
Look up term or stretcher bearerKrankenträger
Look up term). - 1 non-commissioned officer was to be designated equipment managerGerätverwalter
Look up term. - Accounting and medical allocation were to be handled on a case-by-case basis through the unit to which the company was assigned.
- Allgemeine Heeresmitteilungen : Elfter Jahrgang 1944. Berlin : Oberkommando des Heeres, 1944. BArch RH 1/167.
- Panzer-Sturmörserkompanie "Tiger" (Panz.Stu.Mörs.Kp."Tiger"). Berlin : AHA, 1944. 3 p. K St N 1161, 15.9.1944. NARA T78 R393.