During the Second World War, German vehicles were frequently marked with unit insignia. As these insignia changed during the war, it can sometimes be unclear when different insignia were used. This can sometimes lead to incorrect assumptions. The drawings and information on this page have been created using only primary sources. The insignia is presented with as much information as possible. Any estimations or assumptions used are clearly described.

Unit Insignia Timeline

November 1939 - First armored unit insignia

On 1 November, the Oberkommando des Heeres (Army high command)Look up term ordered the introduction of unit insignia of the 10 armored divisions. These were to be placed on all motor vehicles. On tanks the insignia were to be placed on the front, rear, and left side of the superstructure.1

November 1940 - Standardized insignia for armored units

On 22 November 1940, the Oberkommando des HeeresArmy high command
Look up term
ordered the introduction of a new set of unit insignia for all 20 armored divisions. For counterintelligence reasons this included replacing the existing insignia of the first 11 armored divisions. These new insignia were to be painted on all motor vehicles of the armored divisions as follows:2

  • On wheeled vehicles, the insignia was to be painted near the tactical sign on the left front mudguard, as well as the rear and the left side of the vehicle.
  • On tanks, the insignia was to be painted on the front, rear, and left side of the userstructure.

The insignia were to be approximately 10 by 10 centimeters in size, and were to be painted in yellow without any outline. The order was to be carried out by 31 December 1940. If a unit section or vehicle at a later time stopped being part of a division, the insignia were to be removed.

July 1941 - Replacement army usage

On 30 July 1941, an order was issued clarifying that tactical markings and unit insignia should only be used on motor vehicles that were employed by the field army. Motor vehicles that were part of the replacement army were not to have any identifying marks except for license plates.3

January 1942 - Camouflaged insignia

On 1 January 1942, an instructions was issued to make it more difficult for Allied intelligence services to identify German troop movements. It is not clear from the instruction who issued it or how widely it applied. The instructions included the following:4

  1. Covering or rolling up mudflaps.
  2. Ban on openly flying command flags, including those on staff cars.
  3. For all horse and motor vehicles are:
    1. Inscriptions that identify a section or unit to be covered or removed,
    2. army and auxiliary vehicle license plates to continue to be uncovered,
    3. tactical markings are likewise to continue uncovered,
    4. texts and commercials on auxiliary vehicles to be removed (unscrewing the advertisement shield) or covered (boarding over with cardboard, etc.), and home front texts on tarpulins to be painted over.
  4. Motor vehicles of the motor transport units are to be equipped with march insignia. Every motor vehicles of the motor transport company is to equipped with a sign by the mobile equipment unit that clearly shows the number of the motor transport company and the truck.
    For units in transit, the unit commander, medical and veterinary officers, and motor pool personnel are to be identified with command flags, Geneva crosses, or white texts without the number of the unit.
  5. It is forbidden to write the unit name on transport trains.
  6. It is forbidden to use unit names for regulating the traffic of motorized units.

November 1942 - New insignia

On 22 November 1942, the Oberkommando des HeeresArmy high command
Look up term
issued an order to Heeresgruppearmy group
Look up term
Mitte to change all unit insignia, and to change the insignia when units were transferred. It is not clear whether a similar order was issued to other army groups:5

Insignia of the units and army-level troops of the field army

The insignia of the units and army-level troops of the field army are now widely known by the enemy.

They must therefore be changed.

For this reason it is ordered:

1.) One-time change:

The insignia of the units and army-level troops of the field army are to be changed by 23 January 1943 in accordance with further orders from the army corps, Gruppe Chevallerie1Later XVI. Armee-Korps., and the command of the Heeresgruppearmy group
Look up term

In case the combat situation does not allow this deadline to be met this must be reported to the army group.

2.) Ongoing changes:

In addition to the above change, the insignia must as a rule be changed every time a unit or army-level troops are subordinated to a new army group or independent army corps.

This change can be omitted if the new subordination only involves a new command without any changes to the area of operations of the relevant units or army-level troops.

The extent to which the insignia changes within the army group should be callied out, for example in case of troop movements before new operations, is to be decided on a case-by-case basis.

3.) Insignia design:

The Oberkommando des HeeresArmy high command
Look up term
foregoes a standardization of the design of the insignia, including the motorized units. The army groups will leave this up to the armies, Gruppe Chevallerie, and the command of Heeresgruppearmy group
Look up term

4.) The new insignia of the divisions must be reported in a confidential overview to the army group by the armies, Gruppe Chevallerie, and the command of Heeresgruppearmy group
Look up term

Following this order, Panzer-Armeeoberkommando 2 designed a set of simple geometric insignia. The list of insignia was distributed in a series of orders in December 1942, with an order to apply the insignia by 10 January. The insignia was to be painted on all motorized and horse-drawn vehicles using yellow paint by 10 January 1943. Subsequently, new units that were subordinated to Panzer-Armeeoberkommando 2 were given similar insignia. It is not clear whether other armies were similarly dilligent in following the Oberkommando des HeeresArmy high command
Look up term

June 1943 - New unit markings

During the spring of 1943 the German Army became concerned that Soviet intelligence could use unit insignia to identify which units were present where. On 25 April Heeresgruppe Mitte sent out an order to immediately remove all unit markings, while leaving tactical markings.6

In May 1943, orders were issued to prepare to replace all unit markings of the German field army.78

The orders describe the markings as being for future operations. These units are commonly associated with the Battle of Kursk, being referred to as Kursk markings, though the markings also applied to units that did not take part in the battle.

Both armies, army corps, and divisions were issued new insignia. The insignia followed certain patterns, such as armored divisions having symbols with vertical lines and army corps having circles with parallel lines. Every unit was issued with different three insignia. These insignia were to be used in phases. Preperations were to be made to be able to change the insignia at a later time, but only examples of the first phase have been observed.

Three black figures on a khaki background. The first is a disc with two smaller discs beneath. The larger disc is 2.5 times larger than the smaller ones. The smaller discs are seperated from the larger one by a small space, and are placed along the left and right side of the large disc respectively. The second is a slanted rectangle with cutouts of the top and bottom right corners and a larger cutout from the center of the right side. The third is a square with a horizontal strip cut out of the lower half, the whole figure turned 40 degrees counter-clockwise.

Phase A, B, and C of the insignia of Armee-Abteilung Kempf.

Three black figures on a khaki background. The first is a vertical line with a horizontal line at its bottom, extending slightly to either side. The second is a letter L with the horizontal and vertical lines the came length and a disc in the top right corner. The third is the silhouette above a disc.

Phase A, B, and C of the insignia of 7. Panzer-Division.

On 30 June 1943, Heeresgruppe Mitte and Heeresgruppe Süd sent out a series of orders largely rescinding the 25 April order to remove unit insignia:9

  • 2. Armee and 9. Armee were instructed that they were free to introduce new insignia.
  • 2. Panzer-Armee were informed that the order still applied to them.
  • Armeeabteilung Kempf and Auffrischungsstab Charkow were issued new insignia directly.

On 1 July 1943, orders referencing the new insignia were issued by Armeeabteilung Kempf and Generalkommando z.b.V. Raus, and likely also other units:10

Insignia of the units of the field armie

Phase A of the insignia in accordance with the referenced message applies for Zitadelle. They are to be placed on all vehicles from x - 3.2Three days before the beginning of the offensive.

Subsequently, some units reverted to their previous markings while other units introduced new ones. It is not clear when the use of the insignia was completely discontinued, with at least one example being used until the following winter.

February 1944 - Open unit insignia

On 16 February 1944, the chief of the German Army general staff issued an order to start applying unit markings to all uniforms and vehicles at the front line:11

4.) The markings on the vehicles consists of the sub-unit name, the tactical sign, and the unit insignia. They are to be placed permanently and visibly on the front and rear, as well as the sides (see an example in the appendix).

The size of the markings are to be decided by the individual major units3This generally referred to divisions and brigades., higher command units, and army level combat units for the different vehicle types.

The color of the sub-unit name and the tactical signs is white for major units (yellow for tank and armored infantry divisions), and green for higher command units and army level combat units. The color of the unit insignia is left to the major units, higher command units, and army level combat units.

Black-and-white graphic with three horizontally centered lines. The first line has an outline of an upper-case Y with three vertical lines to its right. The second line has the text 'Pz.Rgt.7' in large letters. The third line has a forward-pointing parallelogram with the text '1.Komp.' below it in small letters.

Frontline units were allowed deviate from these rules if necessitated by operational or tactical reasons. It was also allowed to temporarily conceal the markings for counter-intelligence purposes.

On 15 June 1944, this order was ammended to clarify that units that were located at the home front, for example due to refitting, were to cover up the vehicle markings.

It took some time for the order to be distributed to all units. For example, 35. Infanterie-Division did not receive the order to implement the new rules from Armeeoberkommando 9 until 22 April 194412, and 79. Infanterie-Division did not issue the implementing order until 2 May 194413. Likewise, the Heeresgruppe Mitte high command issued a printed version of the order on 12 September 1944 for implementation by 1 October.14

Two figures of identical layout, one two-thirds the size of the first one. The figures show a rectangle about twice as tall as it is wide, inside of which is a circle with a C inside, below which is the text 'GR439', and below again is an outsined rectangle about one and a half times as wide as it is tall with the text '4.' to its right. To the left and right, respectively, of the circle and outside the rectangle is the number 19, the same height as the circle. All the text is in a sans-serif typeface. The larger figure is a black filled rectangle with white contents, and the smaller a black outline with no fill and black contents.

Reproduction of original illustrations for 134. Infanterie-Division for use on motor vehicles other than motorcycles and larger horse-drawn vehicles (left), and on smaller horse-drawn vehicles and motorcycles. The position of the vehicle number was for scale comparison, and was not necessarily placed next to the insignia. The black background on the illustration on the left was to illustrate an application on an existing dark background.15

Selection of Insignia

In addition to the above mentioned orders in 1939, 1940, and 1943 for general changes of unit insignia, single units sometimes received new insignia. One such example is the insignia of 20. Panzer-Division introduced 1 May 1943.16

Units could not unilaterally decide their own insignia, however. For example, after 27. Panzer-Division was formed, it sent a request in October 1942 to its parent corps for a specific insignia. This request was not fulfilled, and instead a different insignia was issued in November 1942.171819

For at least some units, the selection of unit insignia appears to have been used to improve unit morale. In one example, a competition was held in 23. Panzer-Division for a new division insignia, which received 526 entries. While a winner of the competition was found, the unit retained its existing insignia.20


For each insignia, an example is shown together with a table of information. The table includes the following details:

Unit names

Many German units went through several name changes during the war. As unit insignia frequently stayed the same, all unit insignia are listed under one unit name.


Cut-out templates were often used when painting insignia onto vehicles. This ensured both ease of application and uniformity. Variations did exist, however, whether due to the use of differences in templates or due to freehand application. Where templates or other detailed illustrations survive, the drawings have been made to match these as closely as possible. If only photographs exist, the drawings attempt to replicate these. Sometimes, only casual representations exist, in which case the style of the drawings will try to match similar, known insignia. Despite these efforts, the drawings should only be considered a reasonable approximation, not an exact replication.

The drawings are not to scale. When specific dimensions are known they are specified under Size.


Unit insignia were often drawn in color. For example, tank and motorized infantry insignia were usually yellow. Because reliably determining exact colors would be almost impossible, general colors have been chosen for all the drawings, that is, one yellow, one red, etc. In some cases, more than one example is shown to illustrate variations in color or other differences.

Many sources only survive in grayscales, such as microfilm records and black-and-white photographs. If there is no explicit source for the color of the insignia, the drawing is shown in grayscale. To clearly distinguish this from insignia intended to be painted in grayscales, a hatched border is used on grayscale drawings.

Insignia were usually painted without a background color, but there were exceptions. Unless specified under color, the background colors shown in the drawings are only intended to provide contrast.


In some cases, the size of the insignia was specified either explicitly or was provided as an illustration. When original orders with illustrations are available, the size of the insignia is estimated. These estimations is based on an assumption about the paper size, usually the A4 standard (297 by 210 millimeters).

In cases where only photographs of the insignia in use exist, no attempt it made to estimate the size. While the dimensions of the vehicle parts on which the insignia are painted are usually well known, the insignia are rarely the focus of the photographs. Combined with the grain of the film, odd angles, and a frequent lack of perfect focus, the result of this would be a large margin of error.


The usage specifies when and how the insignia is found in the sources. The usage can be one of three overall categories, each of which have some limitations:

Direct orders

When the way in which unit insignia was painted on vehicles changed, orders would be issued on how to implement these orders. These orders would often specify details, such as size and colors, and would also sometimes include illustrations. Colors were usually only referred to by overall name, such as yellow or red.

Direct orders show how insignia was intended to be painted on vehicles. This does not mean that the insignia was actually painted exactly as ordered for any number of reasons, such as:

  • The order was ambiguous or misinterpreted
  • The order was not carried out
  • The intended colors were not available
  • The intended size did not fit on some vehicles
  • The shape had to be adopted for practical implementation, such as adding small gaps in an outline to allow for a cut-out template to be created

For an example, see the insignia of XXIV. Panzer-Korps. The documented description of the insignia is that of a gray fist on a yellow field. This can be read as both a light and a dark gray, and both were used on vehicles.

Illustrations in other documents

Unit insignia can sometimes be found in various original documents. These illustrations could serve an operational purpose, such as to ensure proper identification of vehicles. They could also serve purely decorative purposes, such as to embellish the front page of unit war diaries.

While these illustrations can help establish that the insignia was used at a certain point in time, they are not reliable indication of the exact shape. The person drawing the illustration may not have had ample access to inspect orders or actual vehicles, especially when creating a collage for multiple units. This could result in relying on drawing made by others, or even verbal descriptions, adding several generations of interpretation. In addition, it is clear from some such illustrations have been either simplified to create a small illustraton, or embellished make the insignia more interesting when shown in a large scale. Finally, the artistic skill of the person creating the drawing is also a factor.


Photographs can document how the insignia was actually painted on vehicles. Color photographs can also document which colors were used.

Unless the unit number is painted alongside the insignia, a photograph can only document that an insignia was used, not the unit that used it or when. Photographs can also only illustrate how the specific vehicles that were photographed were painted. Other vehicles might have had slightly different variants, for example if the paint job was damaged and quickly repaired. Black-and-white photgraphs can only be used to detemine shape, not color, as color can't be reliably interpreted from grayscales. Similarly, while color photographs can document the general color, there are many unknown factors that make then unreliable for determining the exact shade.

The dates under Usage only specifies as much information as is possible to determine based on the sources. For example, May 1940: Observed on upper left driver's plate only means that the photograph document actual usage during this month. It does not mean that the insignia was not used before or after. Where possible, the usage is listed chronologically.

The when specifying the left and right of a vehicle, the side is specified from the perspective of someone inside the vehicle facing forward.


Additional information that does not fit into the other categories, such as context for the choice of insignia.

Armored Divisions

1. Panzer-Division

A single disc.
Color Unspecified
Size Unspecified
November 1939
3. Panzer-Division order with illustrations issued 2 November 1939 transcribing a Oberkommando des HeeresArmy high command
Look up term
order introducing unit insignia for all motor vehicles of all armored divisions. On tanks, the insignia was to be placed on the front, rear, and left side of the superstructure.21
Light-colored stylized outline of an oak leaf.
Color Light or white
Size Unspecified
May 1940
Observed on center gun mantlet of Pz Kpfw I on black-and-white photograph from the invasion of France and the Low Countries.
Observed on lower left turret front of Pz Kpfw IV kz on black-and-white photograph from the invasion of France and the Low Countries.
Observed on front mudguard of motorcycle on black-and-white photograph from the invasion of France and the Low Countries.
May 1940 to June 1940
Illustration on 1. Panzer-Division war diary covering 10 May 1940 to 24 June 1940.22
Yellow star with three narrow points.
Color Yellow
  • Arms 15 millimeters wide at base
  • Arms 60 millimeters long from base (see notes)
December 1940
1. Panzer-Division order with illustration issued 11 December 1940 introducing new insignia to replace the previous oak leaf insigna by 26 December 1940. On wheeled motor vehicles, the insignia was to be painted on the left front door 15 centimeters below the lower edge of the window. On tanks, including those of the engineers and signals battalion, but not those of Panzer-Abteilung (F) 101, the insignia was to be painted according to further instructions issued by Panzer-Regiment 1.23
Notes 11 December 1940 illustration is described as being to scale and also includes measurements. The specified arm length does not match the length on the drawing. On the drawing, the arms are only 50 millimeters long, while the measurements specify a length of 60 millimeters. It is also unclear whether the measurement of 50 or 60 millimeters is from the tip to the center of the star, or from the tip along the length of the arm.
Yellow, inverted capital Y.
Color Yellow
Size Unspecified
June 1941
Listed in LVI. Armee-Korps (mot) illustrated overview of vehicle markings of subordinate and adjacent units dated 19 June 1941.24
Listed in Armeeoberkommando 9 illustrated overview of unit insignia of subordinate units dated 23 June 1941.25
Listed in Panzer-Armeeoberkommando 3 illustrated overview of subordinate units during its campaing on the Eastern Front, created between 1942 and 1944.26

2. Panzer-Division

Two yellow discs.
Color Yellow
Size Unspecified
November 1939
3. Panzer-Division order with illustrations issued 2 November 1939 transcribing a Oberkommando des HeeresArmy high command
Look up term
order introducing unit insignia for all motor vehicles of all armored divisions. On tanks, the insignia was to be placed on the front, rear, and left side of the superstructure.27
December 1941
Illustration in Panzergruppe 4 history of the Battle of Moscow dated December 1941.28
Observed on right superstructure of Pz Kpfw I on black-and-white photograph.
Observed on left superstructure of Pz Kpfw II on black-and-white photograph.
Yellow, inverted capital Y with one vertical line half its height to its top right.
Color Yellow
Size Unspecified
December 1941
Illustration in Panzergruppe 4 history of the Battle of Moscow dated December 1941.29
Listed in Panzer-Armeeoberkommando 3 illustrated overview of subordinate units during its campaing on the Eastern Front, created between 1942 and 1944.30
Observed on upper left driver's plate and front left superstructure of Pz Kpfw III kz on black-and-white photograph.
White hard-angled trident, with the middle prong being longer than the other two.
Color White
  • 125 millimeters tall on motorcycles
  • 250 millimeters tall on all other motor vehicles
May 1943
2. Panzer-Division order with illustration issued 5 May 1943 to immediately remove old markings and be ready to apply the new insignia with 24 hours notice.31
Summer 1943
Listed in Heeresgruppe Mitte illustrated overview of unit insignia of subordinate units from June or early July 1943.32
Observed on upper left driver's plate of Pz Kpfw IV lg on black-and-white photograph.
Observed on left superstructure side of Grille on black-and-white photograph.

3. Panzer-Division

Light figure of a capital E turned 90 degrees clockwise.
Color Light
Size Unspecified
November 1939
3. Panzer-Division order with illustrations issued 2 November 1939 transcribing a Oberkommando des HeeresArmy high command
Look up term
order introducing unit insignia for all motor vehicles of all armored divisions. On tanks, the insignia was to be placed on the front, rear, and left side of the superstructure.33
Observed on forward right side superstructure of Pz Kpfw IV Ausf. A on black-and-white photograph.
Green square with a yellow capital E turned 90 degrees clockwise.
  • Green background
  • Yellow figure
  • Flag: 300 millimeter square
  • Figure: 200 millimeters wide and 100 millimeters tall
August 1940

3. Panzer-Division order issued 21 August 1940 and order with illustration issued 28 August 1940 to equip vehicles with identification flags allowing them to overtake columns. The order applied to all of the following vehicles, with the identification flag to be used on items three through seven:34

  1. All motorcycles without sidecars.
  2. All division staff vehicles with a small divisional flag.
  3. All divisional commanders, adjutants, and orderly officers.
  4. Radio sections of the signals battalion and the brigade signals platoons.
  5. All engineering officers.
  6. All doctors.
  7. All ambulances.
Yellow, inverted capital Y with two vertical lines half its height to its top right.
Color Yellow
Size Unspecified
Listed in Panzer-Armeeoberkommando 1 illustrated overview of unit insignia of subordinate units, most likely from late-1942.35
Observed on upper left driver's plate of Pz Kpfw II on black-and-white photograph from the Eastern Front.
Observed on upper left driver's plate of Pz Bef Wg III on color photograph.
Silhouette of a standing black bear facing left on a yellow shield.
  • Black bear
  • Yellow shield
Size Approximately 90 millimeters wide and 120 millimeters tall (estimated from original illustration)
September 1941
3. Panzer-Division order with illustration issued 25 September 1941 introducing insignia for implementation by 30 September to paint emblem to the right of the divisional insignia.36
Observed on upper left driver's plate of Pz Bef Wg III on color photograph.
Notes The bear insignia is from the Berlin coat of arms. 3. Panzer-Division was created in Wünsdorf, located about 20 kilometers south of Berlin.
Three parallel vertical lines, the right one half the height of the other two.
Color Unspecified
Size 150 millimeters wide
Heeresgruppe Süd illustrated overview of unit insignia of subordinate units from 1943.37

4. Panzer-Division

Inverted capital Y.
Color Undefined
Size Unspecified
November 1939
3. Panzer-Division order with illustrations issued 2 November 1939 transcribing a Oberkommando des HeeresArmy high command
Look up term
order introducing unit insignia for all motor vehicles of all armored divisions. On tanks, the insignia was to be placed on the front, rear, and left side of the superstructure.38
Yellow figure consisting of a circle inside which is figure of a vertical line with two lines protruding diagonally upwards to either side from its midpoint.
Color Yellow
Size Approximately 110 millimeters in diameter (estimated from original illustration)
May 1940
Observed on upper left rear hull of Pz Kpfw I on black-and-white photograph from the invasion of France and the Low Countries.
Observed on center left rear turret of Pz Kpfw II on black-and-white photograph from the invasion of France and the Low Countries.
Observed on rear hull and mudguard of motorcycle on black-and-white photograph from the invasion of France and the Low Countries.
Summer 1943
Listed in Heeresgruppe Mitte illustrated overview of unit insignia of subordinate units from June or early July 1943.39
July 1943
4. Panzer-Division order with illustration issued 1 July 1943 for implementation by 3 July to paint emblem to front right mudguard and rear left superstructure.40
Yellow and red discs.
  • Yellow disc for Gefechtstroß (combat train)Look up term 1 vehicles
  • Red disc for Gefechtstroß (combat train)Look up term 2 vehicles
Size 50 millimeters in diameter
July 1943
4. Panzer-Division order with illustration issued 1 July 1943 for implementation by 3 July to paint emblem to front right mudguard and rear left superstructure.41

5. Panzer-Division

Inverted Y with a disc at its bottom right corner.
Color Unspecified
Size Unspecified
November 1939
3. Panzer-Division order with illustrations issued 2 November 1939 transcribing a Oberkommando des HeeresArmy high command
Look up term
order introducing unit insignia for all motor vehicles of all armored divisions. On tanks, the insignia was to be placed on the front, rear, and left side of the superstructure.42
Yellow X.
Color Yellow
Size Unspecified
December 1941
Illustration in Panzergruppe 4 history of the Battle of Moscow dated December 1941.43
Listed in Panzer-Armeeoberkommando 3 illustrated overview of subordinate units during its campaing on the Eastern Front, created between 1942 and 1944.44

6. Panzer-Division

Inverted Y with two discs to its right.
Color Light
Size Unspecified
November 1939
3. Panzer-Division order with illustrations issued 2 November 1939 transcribing a Oberkommando des HeeresArmy high command
Look up term
order introducing unit insignia for all motor vehicles of all armored divisions. On tanks, the insignia was to be placed on the front, rear, and left side of the superstructure.45
Illustration in 6. Panzer-Division commemorative description of the division's employment on the Western Front, most likely written in 1940 or 1941.46
Observed on center rear hull of Pz Kpfw 35 (t) on black-and-white photograph.
Observed on left superstructure side of Pz Kpfw IV kz on black-and-white photograph.
Observed on front left superstructure of Pz Kpfw IV kz on black-and-white photograph.
Observed on front left fender and passenger side door a truck on black-and-white photograph.
Two yellow Xes.
Color Yellow
Size Unspecified
June 1941
Listed in LVI. Armee-Korps (mot) illustrated overview of vehicle markings of subordinate and adjacent units dated 19 June 1941.47
Listed in Armeeoberkommando 9 illustrated overview of unit insignia of subordinate units dated 23 June 1941.48
Listed in Panzer-Armeeoberkommando 3 illustrated overview of subordinate units during its campaing on the Eastern Front, created between 1942 and 1944.49
Two parallel vertical lines, the right one half the height of the other, with a horizontal line running along their bottom end and extending slightly to either side. Both a black-on-khaki and a white-on-gray variant are shown.
  • Black when on a yellow camouflage base
  • White when on a gray camouflage base
Size 150 millimeters tall
Heeresgruppe Süd illustrated overview of unit insignia of subordinate units from 1943.50
June 1943
Armee-Abteilung Kempf order with illustrations issued 21 May 1943 to be ready to apply markings by 3 June with 48 hour notice.51
III. Panzer-Korps order with illustrations issued 23 May 1943 to be ready to apply markings by 1 June with 48 hour notice.52

7. Panzer-Division

A light colored figure of an inverted kapital Y with a horizontal line of three discs at its bottom right corner.
Color Light
Size Unspecified
November 1939
3. Panzer-Division order with illustrations issued 2 November 1939 transcribing a Oberkommando des HeeresArmy high command
Look up term
order introducing unit insignia for all motor vehicles of all armored divisions. On tanks, the insignia was to be placed on the front, rear, and left side of the superstructure.53
Observed on front hull of a Panzerbefehlswagen III Ausf. E on black-and-white photograph.
Observed on front left mudguard of car on black-and-white photograph.
A yellow capital Y.
Color Yellow
Size Unspecified
Observed on front left engine shield of Sd Kfz 251 in southern France.
Listed in Panzer-Armeeoberkommando 3 illustrated overview of subordinate units during its campaing on the Eastern Front, created between 1942 and 1944.54
Observed on front left engine shield and lower body of Sd Kfz 254.
Vertical line with a horizontal line at its bottom, extending slightly to either side. Both a black-on-khaki and a white-on-gray variant are shown.
  • Black when on a yellow camouflage base
  • White when on a gray camouflage base
Size 150 millimeters tall
Heeresgruppe Süd illustrated overview of unit insignia of subordinate units from 1943.55
June 1943
Armee-Abteilung Kempf order with illustrations issued 21 May 1943 to be ready to apply markings by 3 June with 48 hour notice.56
III. Panzer-Korps order with illustrations issued 23 May 1943 to be ready to apply markings by 1 June with 48 hour notice.57

8. Panzer-Division

Capital X.
Color Unspecified
Size Unspecified
November 1939
3. Panzer-Division order with illustrations issued 2 November 1939 transcribing a Oberkommando des HeeresArmy high command
Look up term
order introducing unit insignia for all motor vehicles of all armored divisions. On tanks, the insignia was to be placed on the front, rear, and left side of the superstructure.58
A yellow capital Y with one vertical lines half its height to its lower right.
Color Yellow
Size Unspecified
June 1941
Listed in LVI. Armee-Korps (mot) illustrated overview of vehicle markings of subordinate and adjacent units dated 19 June 1941. In the document, the unit is referred to by the code name Seydlitz.59
Used as codename on four 8. Panzer-Division maps for the planning of the invasion of the Soviet Union.60

9. Panzer-Division

Two yellow Xes.
Color Yellow
Size Unspecified
November 1939
3. Panzer-Division order with illustrations issued 2 November 1939 transcribing a Oberkommando des HeeresArmy high command
Look up term
order introducing unit insignia for all motor vehicles of all armored divisions. On tanks, the insignia was to be placed on the front, rear, and left side of the superstructure.61
Listed in XXXX. Armee-Korps (mot) illustrated overview of vehicle markings of subordinate units from 1940.62
A yellow capital Y with two vertical lines half its height to its lower right.
Color Yellow
Size Unspecified
June 1941
Armeeoberkommando 6 overview of unit insignia on motor vehicles issued 13 June 1941 to all army corps and divisions.63
June 1942
Listed in Panzer-Armeeoberkommando 4 illustrated overview of unit insignia of subordinate units dated 22 June 1942.64
Listed in Panzer-Armeeoberkommando 3 illustrated overview of subordinate units during its campaing on the Eastern Front, created between 1942 and 1944.65
Vertical line with two lines extending at 45 degrees in both ends.
Color Unspecified
Size Unspecified
Summer 1943
Listed in Heeresgruppe Mitte illustrated overview of unit insignia of subordinate units from June or early July 1943.66

10. Panzer-Division

Diagonal line stretching from top left to bottom right.
Color Unspecified
Size Unspecified
November 1939
3. Panzer-Division order with illustrations issued 2 November 1939 transcribing a Oberkommando des HeeresArmy high command
Look up term
order introducing unit insignia for all motor vehicles of all armored divisions. On tanks, the insignia was to be placed on the front, rear, and left side of the superstructure.67
A light-colored capital Y with three vertical lines half its height to its lower right.
Color Light or white
Size Unspecified
December 1941
Illustration in Panzergruppe 4 history of the Battle of Moscow dated December 1941.68
Observed on front left superstructure of Pz Kpfw III kz on black-and-white photograph.

11. Panzer-Division

Yellow circle with a vertical line across.
Color Yellow
Size Unspecified
June 1941
Armeeoberkommando 6 overview of unit insignia on motor vehicles issued 13 June 1941 to all army corps and divisions.69
December 1941
Illustration in Panzergruppe 4 history of the Battle of Moscow dated December 1941.70
June 1942
Listed in Panzer-Armeeoberkommando 4 illustrated overview of unit insignia of subordinate units dated 22 June 1942.71
Observed right of center on driver's place on Pz Kpfw III on black-and-white photograph from the Eastern Front.
Three parallel vertical lines with a horizontal line running along their bottom end and extending slightly to either side.
Color Unspecified
Size 150 millimeters wide
Heeresgruppe Süd illustrated overview of unit insignia of subordinate units from 1943.72
Observed right front hull of Sturmgeschütz III Ausf. F/8 on black-and-white photograph (light on dark variant).
Observed center driver's front plate of Pz Kpfw IV Ausf. G on black-and-white photograph (dark on light variant).

12. Panzer-Division

Yellow circle with three evenly spaced radial lines, one pointing downwards.
Color Yellow
Size Unspecified
June 1941
Listed in Armeeoberkommando 9 illustrated overview of unit insignia of subordinate units dated 23 June 1941.73
Listed in Panzer-Armeeoberkommando 3 illustrated overview of subordinate units during its campaing on the Eastern Front, created between 1942 and 1944.74

13. Panzer-Division

Light colored circle with a horizontal and vertical.
Color Light
Size Unspecified
June 1941
Armeeoberkommando 6 overview of unit insignia on motor vehicles issued 13 June 1941 to all army corps and divisions.75
Listed in Panzer-Armeeoberkommando 1 illustrated overview of unit insignia of subordinate units, most likely from late-1942.76

14. Panzer-Division

Yellow diamond-shaped outline, with the bottom two sides extending downwards
Color Yellow
Size Unspecified
Location Unspecified
June 1941
Armeeoberkommando 6 overview of unit insignia on motor vehicles issued 13 June 1941 to all army corps and divisions.77
III. Panzer-Korps order with illustrations issued 18 June 1941 for all vehicles to display unit insignia.78
June 1942
Observed on front right driver's plate of Pz Kpfw III on black-and-white photograph dated 10 June 1942.
Observed on rear center of turret storage basket of Pz Kpfw IV on color photographs.
Observed on left superstructure of Pz Kpfw IV lg on color photograph.
Observed on right turret vision port of Pz Kpfw IV kz on black-and-white photograph.

15. Panzer-Division

Outline triangle pointing upwards with a vertical line across its center. Both a dark-on-light and a light-on-dark variant are shown.
  • Medium dark on light background
  • Light on dark background
Size Unspecified
Illustration on 15. Panzer-Division war diary covering 14 April 1941 to 18 November 1941, reconstructed in 1942 after the original was lost in a fire on 21 November 1941.79
February 1942
Illustration on 15. Panzer-Division war diary covering 16 February 1942 to 25 May 1942.80
September 1942
Illustration on 15. Panzer-Division invitation to Generalleutnant Ritter von Thoma for 23 September 1942 social event with their Italian allies.81
December 1942
Illustration on 15. Panzer-Division war diary covering 26 December 1942 to 11 March 1943.82
Observed on front left engine shield of Sd Kfz 254 on black-and-white photograph in Europe.
Observed on front left turret of Pz Kpfw II on black-and-white photograph in North Africa.

16. Panzer-Division

Yellow capital Y with a horizontal crossbar on the stem, outlined in black.
Color Yellow with black outline
Size Approximately 100 millimeters tall (estimated from original illustration)
July 1943
16. Panzer-Division order with illustration issued 29 July 1943 reintroducing old insignia, which are to be ready to be applied on further orders.83
Light capital Y with a horizontal crossbar on the stem.
Color Light
Size Several variants
June 1941
Armeeoberkommando 6 overview of unit insignia on motor vehicles issued 13 June 1941 to all army corps and divisions.84
Observed on upper left driver's plate of Pz Kpfw IV kz on black-and-white photograph.
Observed on upper left engine shield of Sd Kfz 250 on black-and-white photograph.
Observed on left engine cover side of Sd Kfz 250 on black-and-white photograph.
Notes Photographs show several variants of thickness, proportions, and apparent hue.

17. Panzer-Division

Two parallel vertical lines, the right one half the height of the other.
Color Unspecified
Size 150 millimeters tall
Heeresgruppe Süd illustrated overview of unit insignia of subordinate units from 1943.85

18. Panzer-Division

Horizontal line with two lines extending at 45 degrees in both ends, and a circle at either side of the middle.
Color Unspecified
Size Unspecified
Summer 1943
Listed in Heeresgruppe Mitte illustrated overview of unit insignia of subordinate units from June or early July 1943.86

19. Panzer-Division

Yellow figure consisting of a thick vertical line with thin diagonal lines pointing downwards from the left top and center, and point upwards from the right top and center.
Color Yellow
Size 110 millimeters tall and 45 millimeters wide
December 1940

19. Panzer-Division order with illustration issued 12 December 1940 introducing insignia for implementation by 31 December, specifying the location to:87

  • Motorcycles: On the left side of the front and rear mudguards, four centimeters above the tactical sign.
  • All other unarmored vehicles: On the front and rear left mudguards, four centimeters above the tactical sign (in the case of a lack of space on the rear mudguard, on the left half of the rear tailgate), as well as the middle of the left front door (or, if not available, on the first quarter of the left body side).
  • Armored vehicles: Front, rear, and left superstructure.
March 1941
Illustration in 19. Panzer-Division dated 26 March 1941 specifying the location of tactical symbols on vehicles.88
Listed in Panzer-Armeeoberkommando 3 illustrated overview of subordinate units during its campaing on the Eastern Front, created between 1942 and 1944.89
Notes The insignia is referred to in the 12 December 1940 order as an up-right Wolfsangel.
Yellow figure consisting of a vertical line with diagonal lines protruding towards the center from its ends to the left from the top and to the right from the bottom, as well as a short horizontal line across its center.
Color Light or white
Size Unspecified
Observed on left superstructure of Pz Kpfw II (F) on black-and-white photograph.
Two parallel vertical lines. Both a black-on-khaki and a white-on-gray variant are shown.
  • Black when on a yellow camouflage base
  • White when on a gray camouflage base
Size 150 millimeters tall
Heeresgruppe Süd illustrated overview of unit insignia of subordinate units from 1943.90
June 1943
Armee-Abteilung Kempf order with illustrations issued 21 May 1943 to be ready to apply markings by 3 June with 48 hour notice.91
III. Panzer-Korps order with illustrations issued 23 May 1943 to be ready to apply markings by 1 June with 48 hour notice.92

20. Panzer-Division

Yellow figure consisting of three vertical parallel lines with a horizontal line across the top of all three.
Color Yellow
Size Unspecified
October 1941
Observed on rear hull of Pz Kpfw 38 (t) on black-and-white photograph from the invasion of the Soviet Union.
May 1941 to June 1943
Illustration on 20. Panzer-Division war diaries covering 25 May 1941 to 30 June 1943.93949596979899100101
Listed in Panzer-Armeeoberkommando 3 illustrated overview of subordinate units during its campaing on the Eastern Front, created between 1942 and 1944.102
Observed on upper left driver's plate of Pz Kpfw IV kz on black-and-white photograph.
Observed on lower left front corner superstructure upper of kl Pz Bef Wg on black-and-white photograph.
Observed on lower right engine shield of Sd Kfz 254 on black-and-white photograph.
Observed on upper left rear plate of captured Panhard 178 on color photograph.
Yellow upwards-point arrow with diagonal lines either side, appearing as if the arrow has broken a single line.
Color Yellow
Size Approximately 100 millimeters tall (estimated from original illustration)
April 1943
20. Panzer-Division order with illustration issued 25 April 1943 introducing insignia for implementation by 1 May.103
Summer 1943
Listed in Heeresgruppe Mitte illustrated overview of unit insignia of subordinate units from June or early July 1943.104
July 1943 to October 1943
Illustration on 20. Panzer-Division war diary covering 1 July 1943 to 8 October 1943.105
Spring 1944
Listed in Armeeoberkommando 9 illustrated overview of unit insignia of subordinate units from the spring of 1944.106

23. Panzer-Division

Yellow arrow pointing upwards and to the right, with a cross stroke at its tail end.
Color Yellow
Size Unspecified
September 1941
Mentioned in 23. Panzer-Division in first war diary entry, dated 21 September 1941, as the unit's official tactical marking.107
September 1941 to November 1942
Illustration on 23. Panzer-Division war diaries covering September 1941 to November 1941.108109110111
March 1943
Illustration on 23. Panzer-Division newsletters dated 7 March 1943 and 14 March 1943.112
April 1943
Referenced in 23. Panzer-Division announcement dated 18 April 1943 of the winner of a competition for a new divisional symbol, reiterating the yellow arrow as the divisional symbol.113
June 1943
Illustration on 23. Panzer-Division invitation dated 20 June 1943 to a sporting event.114
October 1943
Observed on front right fender of truck on black-and-white photograph.
Listed in Panzer-Armeeoberkommando 1 illustrated overview of unit insignia of subordinate units, most likely from late-1942.115
Observed on left hull of Pz Kpfw IV lg on black-and-white photograph.
Observed on front right fender of car on black-and-white photograph.
Light-colored line drawing of the Eifel tower.
Color Light or white
Size Unspecified
September 1941
Mentioned in 23. Panzer-Division in first war diary entry, dated 21 September 1941, as a supplemental unit marking.116
September 1941 to November 1942
Illustration on 23. Panzer-Division war diaries covering September 1941 to November 1941.117118119120
October 1943
Observed on front right fender of truck on black-and-white photograph.
Observed on left hull of Pz Kpfw III kz on black-and-white photograph.
Observed on left hull of Pz Kpfw IV lg on black-and-white photograph.
Observed on front right fender of car on black-and-white photograph.
Notes The Eifel tower was a supplemental emblem in commemoration of the division being formed in the area around Paris.121 Photographs appear to show significant variations in style.
Vertical line.
Color Unspecified
Size 150 millimeters tall
Heeresgruppe Süd illustrated overview of unit insignia of subordinate units from 1943.122

24. Panzer-Division

White figure of a horse with a jockey jumping over over an obstacle in a semicircle. Below is a yellow arrow pointing right and slightly upwards.
  • White horseman
  • Yellow arrow
Size Unspecified
June 1942
Listed in Panzer-Armeeoberkommando 4 illustrated overview of unit insignia of subordinate units dated 22 June 1942.123
July 1942
Observed on rear right (horse) and rear left (arrow) hull of Pz Kpfw III on black-and-white photograph dated 15 July 1942.
Observed on rear right (horse) and rear left (arrow) hull of Pz Kpfw III on black-and-white photograph.
Observed on front right mudflap (horse) and upper left driver's plate (arrow) of Pz Kpfw III lg on black-and-white photograph.
Notes The horse and jockey and arrow insignia were usually not painted together, but instead in different locations, as indicated above.

27. Panzer-Division

Figure of a V-shape with an arrow pointing up from the bottom center and an arrow pointing down from the end of each of the two arms.
Color Unspecified
  • 140 millimeters tall and 110 millimeters wide on motorcycles
  • 200 millimeters tall and 150 millimeters wide on all other vehicles
October 1942
27. Panzer-Division request with illustration dated 7 October 1942 to VII. Armee-Korps for approval of a new unit insignia, as the division's motor vehicles were still using the insignia of 22. Panzer-Division.124125
Three circles arranged in a pyramid.
Color Light
Size Unspecified
November 1942
Appendix to 27. Panzer-Division war diary entry for 19 November 1942 that the division has been issued a unit marking.126127

1. SS-Panzer-Division

Shield with a key on the field.
Color Unspecified
Size Unspecified
June 1941
III. Panzer-Korps order with illustrations issued 18 June 1941 for all vehicles to display unit insignia.128
Three parallel vertical lines, the right one half the height of the other two, with a horizontal line running along their bottom end and extending slightly to either side. Both a black-on-khaki and a white-on-green variant are shown.
  • Black when on a yellow camouflage base
  • White when on a green camouflage base
Size 150 millimeters wide
Heeresgruppe Süd illustrated overview of unit insignia of subordinate units from 1943.129
June 1943
I. SS-Panzer-Korps order with illustrations issued 29 May 1943 to be ready to apply markings by 3 June with 48 hour notice.130
Light colored figure of a shield with is top right corner cut off, and a key in the field. Below the shield is an acorn at the center and two oak leaves pointing upwards to each side.
Color Light or white
Size Unspecified
September 1943
Observed on left rear superstructure of Pz Kpfw IV lg on black-and-white photograph dated 16 September 1943.
December 1944
Illustration on 1. SS-Panzer-Division newsletters dated 26 November 1944, 29. November 1944, 2 December 1944, 6 December 1944, and two undated issues most likely from November 1944.131132

2. SS-Panzer-Division

Three yellow, parallel, vertical lines, with a diagonal line from the bottom corner of the left line to the top corner of the right line.
Color Lemon yellow
Size Approximately 124 millimeters wide and 155 millimeters tall (estimated from original illustration)
March 1941
SS-Führungshauptamt order with illustration issued 29 March 1941 introducing insignia for all vehicles of SS-Division Reich (later 2. SS-Panzergrenadier-Division).133
December 1941
Illustration in Panzergruppe 4 history of the Battle of Moscow dated December 1941.134
Observed on upper right front hull of Pz Kpfw II on black-and-white photograph.
Notes In the 29 March 1941, the symbol is referred to as the Kampfrune (combat rune), while the symbol is actually the Wolfsangel symbol.
Two parallel vertical lines with a horizontal line running along their bottom end and extending slightly to either side. Both a black-on-khaki and a white-on-green variant are shown.
  • Black when on a yellow camouflage base
  • White when on a green camouflage base
Size 150 millimeters tall
Heeresgruppe Süd illustrated overview of unit insignia of subordinate units from 1943.135
June 1943
I. SS-Panzer-Korps order with illustrations issued 29 May 1943 to be ready to apply markings by 3 June with 48 hour notice.136
Observed on left rear superstructure of Pz Kpfw IV lg on black-and-white photograph (light on dark variant).
Observed on right driver's plate of Pz Kpfw Tiger Ausf. E on black-and-white photograph (light on dark variant).

3. SS-Panzer-Division

Three parallel vertical lines. Both a black-on-khaki and a white-on-green variant are shown.
  • Black when on a yellow camouflage base
  • White when on a green camouflage base
Size 150 millimeters wide
Heeresgruppe Süd illustrated overview of unit insignia of subordinate units from 1943.137
June 1943
I. SS-Panzer-Korps order with illustrations issued 29 May 1943 to be ready to apply markings by 3 June with 48 hour notice.138
Observed on left driver's plate of Pz Kpfw IV lg on black-and-white photograph (dark on light variant).
Observed on right driver's plate of Pz Kpfw Tiger Ausf. E on black-and-white photograph (dark on light variant).

5. SS-Panzer-Division

Light colored reversed swastika with curved arm ends.
Color Light
Size Unspecified
June 1941
Armeeoberkommando 6 overview of unit insignia on motor vehicles issued 13 June 1941 to all army corps and divisions.139
White swastika with curved arms.
Color Light or white
Size Unspecified
Observed on front of motorcycle sidecar on black-and-white photograph dated August or September 1941.
Observed on right front fender of truck on black-and-white photograph dated spring 1942.
Observed on right front fender of truck on black-and-white photograph dated spring 1942.
Listed in Panzer-Armeeoberkommando 1 illustrated overview of unit insignia of subordinate units, most likely from late-1942.140
White swastika with curved arms on a dark background.
  • Light or white swastika
  • Dark disc background
Size Unspecified
Observed on right front mudguard of Pz Kpfw III lg on black-and-white photograph dated summer 1942.
Bottom half of a disc.
Color Unspecified
Size 150 millimeters wide
Heeresgruppe Süd illustrated overview of unit insignia of subordinate units from 1943.141

Infantry Divisions

3. Infanterie-Division (mot)

Yellow vertical line with two parallel, diagonal lines across its top half.
Color Yellow
Size Unspecified
June 1941
Listed in LVI. Armee-Korps (mot) illustrated overview of vehicle markings of subordinate and adjacent units dated 19 June 1941. In the document, the unit is referred to by the code name Tirpitz.142
Listed in Armeeoberkommando 9 illustrated overview of unit insignia of subordinate units dated 23 June 1941.143
June 1942
Listed in Panzer-Armeeoberkommando 4 illustrated overview of unit insignia of subordinate units dated 22 June 1942.144

6. Infanterie-Division

Shield with a red field, with two white upper corners and two white chevrons.
  • Red field
  • White chevrons
Size Unspecified
May 1941
Listed in VI. Armee-Korps illustrated overview of march road sign markings of 6. Infanterie-Division and 26. Infanterie-Division dated 22 May 1941.145
June 1941
Listed in Armeeoberkommando 9 illustrated overview of unit insignia of subordinate units dated 23 June 1941.146
Listed in Panzer-Armeeoberkommando 3 illustrated overview of subordinate units during its campaing on the Eastern Front, created between 1942 and 1944.147
Observed on front of motorcycle sidecar.
White figure of an outline of a shield with a sans-serif capital G.
Color White
Size Unspecified
Summer 1943
Listed in Heeresgruppe Mitte illustrated overview of unit insignia of subordinate units from June or early July 1943.148
Spring 1944
Listed in Armeeoberkommando 9 illustrated overview of unit insignia of subordinate units from the spring of 1944.149
Observed on front left upper hull on two Sturmgeschütz III Ausf. G. The shields do not have the outer white edge.

10. Infanterie-Division (mot)

Capital F with strokes pointing downwards.
Color Unspecified
Size Unspecified
Illustration in 1942 artistic map covering the movements of 10. Infanterie-Division (mot) between 22 June 1941 and April 1942.150

13. Infanterie-Division (mot)

Three figures of one, two, and three red, horizontal lines, respectively.
Color Red
Size Unspecified
Listed in XXXX. Armee-Korps (mot) illustrated overview of vehicle markings of subordinate units from 1940.151
Notes One red line for the first infantry regiment, two red lines for the second infantry regiment, and three red lines for the artillery regiment.

14. Infanterie-Division (mot)

Yellow cross with equal length arms and a disc at its center.
Color Yellow
Size Unspecified
June 1941
Listed in Armeeoberkommando 9 illustrated overview of unit insignia of subordinate units dated 23 June 1941.152
Listed in Panzer-Armeeoberkommando 3 illustrated overview of subordinate units during its campaing on the Eastern Front, created between 1942 and 1944.153
Observed on front left fender of truck on black-and-white photograph.

15. Infanterie-Division

Left half of a disc.
  • Black when on a brown camouflage base
  • White when on a gray camouflage base
  • 150 millimeters tall (according to Heeresgruppe Süd order)
  • Approximately 165 millimeters tall (estimated from original illustration)
Heeresgruppe Süd illustrated overview of unit insignia of subordinate units from 1943.154
May 1943
15. Infanterie-Division order with illustrations issued 27 May 1943 to be ready to apply markings by 2 June with 36 hour notice.155

16. Infanterie-Division (mot)

A figure of three lines extending evenly spaced from the center, one arm pointing horizontally to the right. At the end of each arm is a small perpendicular line. The small line on the right arm points down, and the small lines from the two other arms point to the right.
Color Light
Size Unspecified
June 1941
Armeeoberkommando 6 overview of unit insignia on motor vehicles issued 13 June 1941 to all army corps and divisions.156
Listed in Panzer-Armeeoberkommando 1 illustrated overview of unit insignia of subordinate units, most likely from late-1942.157
A figure of three lines extending evenly spaced from the center, one arm pointing horizontally to the left. At the end of each arm is a small perpendicular line facing clockwise.
Color Light
Size Unspecified
July 1942
Observed on upper left driver's plate of Pz Kpfw III Ausf. L on black-and-white photograph.
Figure of the a disc with the bottom right quarter cut out.
Color Unspecified
Size 150 millimeters tall and wide
Heeresgruppe Süd illustrated overview of unit insignia of subordinate units from 1943.158

17. Infanterie-Division

Two square flags on vertical flagpoles, the flags at the top and facing away from each other.
Color Unspecified
Size 150 millimeters tall
Heeresgruppe Süd illustrated overview of unit insignia of subordinate units from 1943.159

18. Infanterie-Division (mot)

Yellow figure of a V with a horizontal cross stroke a quarter from the top.
Color Yellow
Size Unspecified
Listed in Panzer-Armeeoberkommando 3 illustrated overview of subordinate units during its campaing on the Eastern Front, created between 1942 and 1944.160

20. Infanterie-Division (mot)

Yellow figure of a V with a circle at the top center.
Color Yellow
Size Unspecified
June 1941
Listed in Armeeoberkommando 9 illustrated overview of unit insignia of subordinate units dated 23 June 1941.161
Listed in Panzer-Armeeoberkommando 3 illustrated overview of subordinate units during its campaing on the Eastern Front, created between 1942 and 1944.162

25. Infanterie-Division (mot)

Figure of an inverted V with a circle at the bottom center. Below is a shield with three horizontal antlers above one another.
Color Unspecified
Size Unspecified
June 1941
III. Panzer-Korps order with illustrations issued 18 June 1941 for all vehicles to display unit insignia.163

26. Infanterie-Division

Two drawings of a black W on a white field and a while W on a black field.
  • Black letter on a white field
  • White letter on a black field
Size Overall size of 50 by 60 centimeters. Size of letter is unclear.
May 1941
Listed in VI. Armee-Korps illustrated overview of march road signs of 6. Infanterie-Division and 26. Infanterie-Division dated 22 May 1941.164
June 1941
Listed in Armeeoberkommando 9 illustrated overview of unit insignia of subordinate units dated 23 June 1941, specifying the marking as being only for march road signs, as the regular insignia was too difficult to draw.165

35. Infanterie-Division

Stylized drawing of a fish facing left. Both a white-on-dark and a black-on-light version are shown.
  • White on dark background
  • Black on light background

To conserve paint, the background was not to be painted.

Size Approximately 100 millimeters wide on motor vehicles other than motorcycles and larger horse-drawn vehicles, and approximately 68 millimeters wide on smaller horse-drawn vehicles and motorcycles (estimated from original illustration)
June 1941
Listed in Armeeoberkommando 9 illustrated overview of unit insignia of subordinate units dated 23 June 1941.166
December 1941
Illustration in Panzergruppe 4 history of the Battle of Moscow dated December 1941.167
Spring 1944
Listed in Armeeoberkommando 9 illustrated overview of unit insignia of subordinate units from the spring of 1944.168
April 1944
35. Infanterie-Division order with illustration dated 25 April 1944 implementing the order to use open unit insignia, ordering the insignia to be placed on the front, rear, and sides of all vehicles.169
Illustration on Panzer-Armeeoberkommando 3 illustrated overview of subordinate units during its campaing on the Eastern Front, created between 1942 and 1944.170
Notes All except the undated Panzer-Armeeoberkommando 3 document show the fish facing left.

36. Infanterie-Division (mot)

Yellow arrow pointing directly upwards, standing on an horizontal line.
Color Yellow
Size Unspecified
June 1941
Listed in LVI. Armee-Korps (mot) illustrated overview of vehicle markings of subordinate and adjacent units dated 19 June 1941.171
Listed in Armeeoberkommando 9 illustrated overview of unit insignia of subordinate units dated 23 June 1941.172
Listed in Panzer-Armeeoberkommando 3 illustrated overview of subordinate units during its campaing on the Eastern Front, created between 1942 and 1944.173

38. Infanterie-Division

Figure of the a disc with a vertical gap from the top to the center, and a horizontal gap from the right to the center.
Color Unspecified
Size 150 millimeters tall and wide
Heeresgruppe Süd illustrated overview of unit insignia of subordinate units from 1943.174

39. Infanterie-Division

Figure of the left half of a disc with a square to its right. Both a black-on-khaki and a white-on-gray variant are shown.
  • Black when on a yellow camouflage base
  • White when on a gray camouflage base
Size 150 millimeters tall
Heeresgruppe Süd illustrated overview of unit insignia of subordinate units from 1943.175
June 1943
Armee-Abteilung Kempf order with illustrations issued 21 May 1943 to be ready to apply markings by 3 June with 48 hour notice.176

46. Infanterie-Division

Figure of the a disc with the bottom left quarter cut out. A line angled at 45 degrees run from below and to the left of the center to the bottom left corner.
Color Unspecified
Size 150 millimeters tall and wide
Heeresgruppe Süd illustrated overview of unit insignia of subordinate units from 1943.177

57. Infanterie-Division

Figure of the bottom right half of a disc with a square in the top left corner.
Color Unspecified
Size 150 millimeters tall and wide
Heeresgruppe Süd illustrated overview of unit insignia of subordinate units from 1943.178

62. Infanterie-Division

Figure of the a disc with the bottom left quarter cut out.
Color Unspecified
Size 150 millimeters tall and wide
Heeresgruppe Süd illustrated overview of unit insignia of subordinate units from 1943.179

79. Infanterie-Division

Figure of a vertical line with evenly spaced horizontal lines across it, so that all ends are the same length and width.
Color Unspecified
  • 125 millimeters tall on cars, trucks, and horse-drawn vehicles
  • 50 millimeters tall on motorcycles
May 1944
79. Infanterie-Division order with illustrations dated 2 May 1944 implementing the order to use open unit insignia, ordering the insignia to be placed on all vehicles. For cars and trucks, the insignia was to be placed on the front left mud guard and left side of the rear panel. On horse-drawn vehicles, the insignia was to be placed on the forward left side.180

82. Infanterie-Division

White rhomboid, the upper half taller than the bottom one. The bottom half has an inverted triangular cut-out with a white disc inside.
Color White
Size Unspecified
June 1942
Listed in Panzer-Armeeoberkommando 4 illustrated overview of unit insignia of subordinate units dated 22 June 1942.181

87. Infanterie-Division

Green heart with a white border.
  • Green heart
  • White border
Size Unspecified
June 1941
Listed in Armeeoberkommando 9 illustrated overview of unit insignia of subordinate units dated 23 June 1941.182
December 1941
Illustration in Panzergruppe 4 history of the Battle of Moscow dated December 1941.183
Illustration on Panzer-Armeeoberkommando 3 illustrated overview of subordinate units during its campaing on the Eastern Front, created between 1942 and 1944.184

106. Infanterie-Division

Figure of the right half of a disc with a square a third the hight protruding to the left from the center of the half disc. Both a black-on-khaki and a white-on-gray variant are shown.
  • Black when on a yellow camouflage base
  • White when on a gray camouflage base
Size 150 millimeters tall
Heeresgruppe Süd illustrated overview of unit insignia of subordinate units from 1943.185
June 1943
Armee-Abteilung Kempf order with illustrations issued 21 May 1943 to be ready to apply markings by 3 June with 48 hour notice.186

111. Infanterie-Division

Two square flags on flagpoles angled away from each other at 45 degrees, the poles crossing at the middle, the flags at the top and facing away from each other.
Color Unspecified
Size 150 millimeters wide
Heeresgruppe Süd illustrated overview of unit insignia of subordinate units from 1943.187

134. Infanterie-Division

White figure of a C inside a circle. Both a white-on-dark and a black-on-light version are shown.
  • White on dark background
  • Black on light background

To conserve paint, the background was not to be painted.

Size Approximately 100 millimeters in diamater on motor vehicles other than motorcycles and larger horse-drawn vehicles, and approximately 65 millimeters in diameter on smaller horse-drawn vehicles and motorcycles (estimated from original illustration)
Spring 1944
Listed in Armeeoberkommando 9 illustrated overview of unit insignia of subordinate units from the spring of 1944.188
April 1944
Appendix to Armeeoberkommando 9 order to 35. Infanterie-Division dated 13 April 1944 with illustration implementing the order to use open unit insignia, ordering the insignia to be placed on the front, rear, and right side of all vehicles.189

161. Infanterie-Division

Figure of the right half of a disc with the left half of a disc half its side to its left. Both a black-on-khaki and a white-on-gray variant are shown.
  • Black when on a yellow camouflage base
  • White when on a gray camouflage base
Size 150 millimeters tall
Heeresgruppe Süd illustrated overview of unit insignia of subordinate units from 1943.190
June 1943
Armee-Abteilung Kempf order with illustrations issued 21 May 1943 to be ready to apply markings by 3 June with 48 hour notice.191

167. Infantefie-Division

Figure of a disc with a gap running through vertically a quarter the width of the disc from the left.
Color Unspecified
Size 150 millimeters wide and tall
Heeresgruppe Süd illustrated overview of unit insignia of subordinate units from 1943.192

168. Infanterie-Division

Figure of the left half of a disc with a square a third the hight protruding to the right from the center of the half disc. Both a black-on-khaki and a white-on-gray variant are shown.
  • Black when on a yellow camouflage base
  • White when on a gray camouflage base
Size 150 millimeters tall
Heeresgruppe Süd illustrated overview of unit insignia of subordinate units from 1943.193
June 1943
Armee-Abteilung Kempf order with illustrations issued 21 May 1943 to be ready to apply markings by 3 June with 48 hour notice.194
III. Panzer-Korps order with illustrations issued 23 May 1943 to be ready to apply markings by 1 June with 48 hour notice.195

197. Infanterie-Division

Three white triangles pointing up arranged in a downwards-pointing triangle.
Color White
Size Unspecified
December 1941
Illustration in Panzergruppe 4 history of the Battle of Moscow dated December 1941.196
Illustration on Panzer-Armeeoberkommando 3 illustrated overview of subordinate units during its campaing on the Eastern Front, created between 1942 and 1944.197
Observed on left side of rear panel of truck.
Notes Panzer-Armeeoberkommando 3 document shows the triangles arranged with the single triangle on top. Both this and the Panzergruppe 4 document show the triangles separated.

198. Infanterie-Division

Top half of a disc.
Color Unspecified
Size 150 millimeters wide
Heeresgruppe Süd illustrated overview of unit insignia of subordinate units from 1943.198

255. Infanterie-Division

Figure of the top half of a disc with a square a third the hight protruding to the bottom from the center of the half disc.
Color Unspecified
Size 150 millimeters wide
Heeresgruppe Süd illustrated overview of unit insignia of subordinate units from 1943.199

257. Infanterie-Division

Right half of a disc.
Color Unspecified
Size 150 millimeters tall
Heeresgruppe Süd illustrated overview of unit insignia of subordinate units from 1943.200

269. Infanterie-Division

White figure of a rectangle with a diagonal line from the bottom left to the top right corner. At both top corners extends a short vertical line, from the top of which are diagonal lines pointing downwards.
Color White
Size Unspecified
June 1941
Listed in LVI. Armee-Korps (mot) illustrated overview of vehicle markings of subordinate and adjacent units dated 19 June 1941.201

282. Infanterie-Division

Figure of the top half of a disc with a triangle pointing upwards centered below it. Both a black-on-khaki and a white-on-gray variant are shown.
  • Black when on a yellow camouflage base
  • White when on a gray camouflage base
Size 150 millimeters tall
Heeresgruppe Süd illustrated overview of unit insignia of subordinate units from 1943.202
June 1943
Armee-Abteilung Kempf order with illustrations issued 21 May 1943 to be ready to apply markings by 3 June with 48 hour notice.203
Observed on left rear hull of Sturmgeschütz III on black-and-white photograph (light on dark variant).

290. Infanterie-Division

White figure of a rectangle with a diagonal line from the bottom left to the top right corner. From the top, right corner extends a horizontal line.
Color White
Size Unspecified
June 1941
Listed in LVI. Armee-Korps (mot) illustrated overview of vehicle markings of subordinate and adjacent units dated 19 June 1941. In the document, the unit is referred to by the code name Wolfgang.204

294. Infanterie-Division

Two square flags on vertical flagpoles, the left flag at the bottom and the right at the top, and facing away from each other.
Color Unspecified
Size 150 millimeters tall
Heeresgruppe Süd illustrated overview of unit insignia of subordinate units from 1943.205

302. Infanterie-Division

Two square flags on flagpoles, the left angled away at 45 degrees and the right vertical, the poles crossing at the middle, the flags at the top and facing away from each other.
Color Unspecified
Size 150 millimeters wide
Heeresgruppe Süd illustrated overview of unit insignia of subordinate units from 1943.206

304. Infanterie-Division

Two square flags on flagpoles angled away from each other at 45 degrees, the poles crossing at the middle, the flags at the top and facing away from each other. Between the lower parts of the poles is a disc.
Color Unspecified
Size 150 millimeters wide
Heeresgruppe Süd illustrated overview of unit insignia of subordinate units from 1943.207

306. Infanterie-Division

Two square flags on flagpoles, the left vertical and the right angled away at 45 degrees, the poles crossing at the middle, the flags at the top and facing away from each other.
Color Unspecified
Size 150 millimeters wide
Heeresgruppe Süd illustrated overview of unit insignia of subordinate units from 1943.208
Outline of a shield overlaid and interrupted by the silhouette of a running warthog.
Color White
  • 180 by 200 millimeters on vehicles other than motorcycles
  • 60 by 80 millimeters on motorcycles
May 1944
306. Infanterie-Division order with illustration dated 20 May 1944 implementing the order to use open unit insignia, ordering the insignia to be placed on all vehicles. On motor vehicles and trailers, the insignia was to be placed on the front right mudguard, and on either the rear left mud guard or the lower left side of the rear panel. For motorcycles, the insignia was to be placed on the front and rear mudguards or on the baggage containers. On horse-drawn vehicles, the insignia was to be placed on both sides and on the rear panel.209

320. Infanterie-Division

Figure of the bottom half of a disc with a disc half its size above it. Both a black-on-khaki and a white-on-gray variant are shown.
  • Black when on a yellow camouflage base
  • White when on a gray camouflage base
Size 150 millimeters tall
Heeresgruppe Süd illustrated overview of unit insignia of subordinate units from 1943.210
June 1943
Armee-Abteilung Kempf order with illustrations issued 21 May 1943 to be ready to apply markings by 3 June with 48 hour notice.211

328. Infanterie-Division

Figure of the a disc with the top left quarter cut out. Both a black-on-khaki and a white-on-gray variant are shown.
  • Black when on a yellow camouflage base
  • White when on a gray camouflage base
Size 150 millimeters tall and wide
Heeresgruppe Süd illustrated overview of unit insignia of subordinate units from 1943.212
June 1943
Armee-Abteilung Kempf order with illustration issued 3 June 1943 implemented by a III. Panzer-Korps order issued 4 June to be ready to apply markings by 15 June with 48 hour notice.213

332. Infanterie-Division

Figure of the bottom half of a disc with a square a third the hight protruding to the top from the center of the half disc.
Color Unspecified
Size 150 millimeters wide
Heeresgruppe Süd illustrated overview of unit insignia of subordinate units from 1943.214

333. Infanterie-Division

Figure of the a disc with the bottom right quarter cut out. A smaller disc is in the cut-out.
Color Unspecified
Size 150 millimeters tall and wide
Heeresgruppe Süd illustrated overview of unit insignia of subordinate units from 1943.215

335. Infanterie-Division

Figure of the a disc with the top right quarter cut out.
Color Unspecified
Size 150 millimeters tall and wide
Heeresgruppe Süd illustrated overview of unit insignia of subordinate units from 1943.216

336. Infanterie-Division

Two square flags on vertical flagpoles, the left flag at the top and the right at the bottom, and facing away from each other.
Color Unspecified
Size 150 millimeters tall
Heeresgruppe Süd illustrated overview of unit insignia of subordinate units from 1943.217

377. Infanterie-Division

White sword in the outline of an oak leak.
Color White
Size Unspecified
June 1942
Listed in Panzer-Armeeoberkommando 4 illustrated overview of unit insignia of subordinate units dated 22 June 1942.218

384. Infanterie-Division

A white drawing of a sword on top of a capital D. Two figures are shown, one with template-like cut-outs.
Color White
Size Approximately 100 millimeters wide and 250 millimeters tall on all other vehicles than motorcycles and other small vehicles (first version) and 60 millimeters wide and 140 millimeters tall on motorcycles and other small vehicles (second version) (estimated from original illustration).
November 1943
384. Infanterie-Division order with illustrations dated 5 November 1943, ordering the insignia to be placed on all vehicles. For motorcycles, the insignia was to be placed on the rear mud guard below the tactical marking. For motorcycles with side cars, the insignia was also to be placed centered on the front and rear body. For cars and trucks, the insignia was to be placed on the front and rear right mud guard or, if covered, on the right side of the rear of the vehicle. On horse-drawn vehicles, the insignia was to be placed on the left side below the tactical side, as well as on the right side of the rear for some horse-drawn vehicles. The order was to be completed by 20 November.219
Notes The second version appears to be drawn to allow the figure to be converted to a template. It is not specified why this is not the case for the first version.

385. Infanterie-Division

White line drawing of the front of a barn.
Color White
Size Unspecified
June 1942
Listed in Panzer-Armeeoberkommando 4 illustrated overview of unit insignia of subordinate units dated 22 June 1942.220

387. Infanterie-Division

Figure of the a disc with the top left quarter cut out. A line angled at 45 degrees run from above the left corner of the cut-out to the left of the top corner of the cut-out.
Color Unspecified
Size 150 millimeters tall and wide
Heeresgruppe Süd illustrated overview of unit insignia of subordinate units from 1943.221

542. Volks-Grenadier-Division

Figure of black gothic O with a black arrow going through from left to right, on a white oval.
  • Black figure
  • White oval
Size Approximately 175 by 115 millimeters when placed on motor vehicles other than motorcycles, and approximately 135 by 90 millimeters when placed on motorcycles (estimated from original illustration).
542. Volks-Grenadier-Division illustration, most likely from mid-1944.222


White silhouette of a German helmet.
Color White
Size Unspecified
June 1942
Listed in Panzer-Armeeoberkommando 4 illustrated overview of unit insignia of subordinate units dated 22 June 1942.223
April 1943
Observed on right superstructure side on Sturmgeschütz III lg on black-and-white photograph dated 20 April 1943.
April and May 1943
Illustration on Großdeutschland newsletters dated 11 April 1943 and 11 May 1943.224
Listed in Panzer-Armeeoberkommando 1 illustrated overview of unit insignia of subordinate units, most likely from late-1942.225
Figure of the top left half of a disc with a disc half its size in the bottom right corner.
Color Unspecified
Size 150 millimeters tall and wide
Heeresgruppe Süd illustrated overview of unit insignia of subordinate units from 1943.226

Jäger Divisions

101. Jäger-Division

Figure of a bow.
Color Unspecified
Size Unspecified
Listed in Panzer-Armeeoberkommando 1 illustrated overview of unit insignia of subordinate units, most likely from late-1942.227

117. Jäger-Division

Black circle with white fill. In the circle are three stylized wing silhouettes.
  • Circle and wings: Black
  • Field: White
Size Diameter of 80 millimeters or 160 millimeters.
June 1943
117. Jäger-Division order with illustration issued 19 June 1943 ordering the insignia for all vehicles, flags, and road signs, except for those belonging to the division staff, Jäger-Regiment 737, Jäger-Regiment 749, and first and second battalion of Artillerie-Regiment 670, which were to retain a previous insignia introduced on 23 April 1943.228

Mountain Infantry Divisions

3. Gebirgs-Division

Two square flags on flagpoles angled away from each other at 45 degrees, the poles crossing at the middle, the flags at the top and facing away from each other. Between the upper parts of the poles is a disc.
Color Unspecified
Size 150 millimeters wide
Heeresgruppe Süd illustrated overview of unit insignia of subordinate units from 1943.229

6. SS-Gebirgs-Division

Six white lines pointing out from the center, set 60 degrees apart, to form a six-pointed star.
Color White
Size 175 millimeters tall (estimated from original illustration)
April 1941
SS-Führungshauptamt order with illustration issued 18 April 1941 introducing insignia for all vehicles of SS-Kampfgruppe Nord (later 6. SS-Gebirgs-Division).230
Notes In the 18 April 1941 order, the symbol is referred to as the Hagalrune (Hagal rune). This is a rune in the 20th century Armanen runes, which were created by the occultist and anti-semite Guido von List and were popular with the SS.

Luftwaffe Field Divisions

15. Luftwaffe-Feld-Division

Figure of a disc with a gap running through at a 45 degree angle
Color Unspecified
Size 150 millimeters wide and tall
Heeresgruppe Süd illustrated overview of unit insignia of subordinate units from 1943.231


III. Panzer-Korps

Square with a triangular section removed stretching from the center to the two top corners.
Color Unspecified
Size Unspecified
June 1941
III. Panzer-Korps order with illustrations issued 18 June 1941 for all vehicles to display unit insignia.232
Disc with two parallel lines pointing from the disc downwards to the right, with a gap in the disc between the two lines. Both a black-on-khaki and a white-on-gray variant are shown.
  • Black when on a yellow camouflage base
  • White when on a gray camouflage base
Size 150 millimeters wide and tall
Heeresgruppe Süd illustrated overview of unit insignia of subordinate units from 1943.233
June 1943
Armee-Abteilung Kempf order with illustrations issued 21 May 1943 to be ready to apply markings by 3 June with 48 hour notice.234
III. Panzer-Korps order with illustrations issued 23 May 1943 to be ready to apply markings by 1 June with 48 hour notice.235

XIII. Armee-Korps

Shield vertically divided into two fields. The right field has red and white wide diagonal lines. The left field has a black eagle on a yellow background.
  • Black eagle on yellow background
  • Red and white stripes
Size Unspecified
June 1942
Listed in Panzer-Armeeoberkommando 4 illustrated overview of unit insignia of subordinate units dated 22 June 1942.236
Notes The shield is identical to the shield of Nuremberg, which was the main city of Wehrkreis XIII where XIII. Armee-Korps was based.

XVII. Armee-Korps

Black figure of a disc with a horizontal gap running through it. At the left is a triangle pointing left.
Color Unspecified
Size 150 millimeters wide
Heeresgruppe Süd illustrated overview of unit insignia of subordinate units from 1943.237

XXIV. Panzer-Korps

Yellow shield outlined in black with a clenched, gray armored fist. Two variants, one with a dark gray fist with white outlines and one with a light gray fist with black outlines, are shown.
  • Yellow field
  • Gray fist
Size Unspecified
June 1942
Listed in Panzer-Armeeoberkommando 4 illustrated overview of unit insignia of subordinate units dated 22 June 1942.238
Summer 1942
Observed on right engine shield on Sd Kfz 251/6 on black-and-white photograph.
Observed on driver's side door of cars on black-and-white photographs.
Observed on right front fender on black-and-white photograph.
Notes Multiple variants of the insignia existed, with all four observed cases being different. One variant has gaps in the lines, indicating the use of a template.
Disc with two parallel lines pointing from the disc upwards, with a gap in the disc between the two lines.
Color Unspecified
Size 150 millimeters tall
Heeresgruppe Süd illustrated overview of unit insignia of subordinate units from 1943.239

XXIX. Armee-Korps

Black figure of a disc with a horizontal gap running through it. At the right is a triangle pointing right.
Color Unspecified
Size 150 millimeters wide
Heeresgruppe Süd illustrated overview of unit insignia of subordinate units from 1943.240

XXX. Armee-Korps

Figure of a disc with a gap running through at a 45 degree angle. At the top right corner is a triangle pointing towards the top right.
Color Unspecified
Size 150 millimeters wide and tall
Heeresgruppe Süd illustrated overview of unit insignia of subordinate units from 1943.241

XXXV. Armee-Korps

White shield with straight edges, with a straight-edged capital W with a pointy bottom edge, and wide horizontal strokes at the top of the arms.
  • White shield
  • Figure either black or background color
Size Unspecified
Spring 1944
Listed in Armeeoberkommando 9 illustrated overview of unit insignia of subordinate units from the spring of 1944.242

XXXX. Panzer-Korps

Two green figures, one with a vertical rectangle with a pennant facing right inside, the other with a T-shaped outline turned 90 degrees counter-clockwise inside.
Color Green
Size Unspecified
Listed in XXXX. Armee-Korps (mot) illustrated overview of vehicle markings of subordinate units from 1940.243
Notes First figure for the corps staff, the second for the corps signal battalion, Korps-Nachrichten-Abteilung 440.
Disc with two parallel lines pointing from the disc upwards to the right, with a gap in the disc between the two lines.
Color Unspecified
Size 150 millimeters wide and tall
Heeresgruppe Süd illustrated overview of unit insignia of subordinate units from 1943.244
White stylized drawing of a two-masted sailship.
Color White
Size Approximately 115 millimeters tall and 55 millimeters wide (estimated from original illustration)
April 1944

XXXX. Panzer-Korps order with illustration dated 22 April 1944 implementing the 16 February 1944 German Army general staff order to start using open unit insignia. The insignia was to be placed on all motorized and horse drawn vehicles by 10 May 1944. Illustrations in the order indicate that the insignia was to be located on:245

  • The bottom right corner of the body of motorized and horse drawn vehicles.
  • Both sides of motorized and horse drawn vehicles.
  • The front right mudguard of motorized vehicles.
Notes In the order, the ship is referred is as a Hanseatenkogge (Hanseatic Cog), a type of trade ship associated with the Hanseatic League. XXXX. Panzer-Korps was based in Wehrkreis X. The main city of Wehrkreis X was Hamburg, which was one of the major cities in the Hanseatic League. In the main sail of the ship is an outline similar to the three towers shown on the flag of Hamburg.

XXXXI. Panzer-Korps

Black shape resembling a circle with a bended tail on a pink background.
  • Pink backgorund
  • Black figure
Size Unspecified
June 1941
Listed in LVI. Armee-Korps (mot) illustrated overview of vehicle markings of subordinate and adjacent units dated 19 June 1941. In the document, the unit is referred to by the code name Festungsstab Allenstein.246
Listed in Panzer-Armeeoberkommando 3 illustrated overview of subordinate units during its campaing on the Eastern Front, created between 1942 and 1944.247
Yellow scimitar.
Color Yellow
Size Unspecified
Summer 1943
Listed in Heeresgruppe Mitte illustrated overview of unit insignia of subordinate units from June or early July 1943.248
Spring 1944
Listed in Armeeoberkommando 9 illustrated overview of unit insignia of subordinate units from the spring of 1944.249

XXXXII. Armee-Korps

Figure of a disc with a gap running through at a 135 degree angle. At the top left corner is a triangle pointing towards the top left. Both a black-on-khaki and a white-on-gray variant are shown.
  • Black when on a yellow camouflage base
  • White when on a gray camouflage base
Size 150 millimeters wide and tall
Heeresgruppe Süd illustrated overview of unit insignia of subordinate units from 1943.250
June 1943
Armee-Abteilung Kempf order with illustrations issued 21 May 1943 to be ready to apply markings by 3 June with 48 hour notice.251

XXXXVIII. Panzer-Korps

Disc diagonally separated into four 90 degree segments, the upper and lower one red and the other two white.
Color Red and white
Size Unspecified
June 1942
Listed in Panzer-Armeeoberkommando 4 illustrated overview of unit insignia of subordinate units dated 22 June 1942.252
Disc with two parallel horizontal lines going through the center, with a gap between the two lines.
Color Unspecified
Size 150 millimeters wide
Heeresgruppe Süd illustrated overview of unit insignia of subordinate units from 1943.253

LII. Armee-Korps

Figure of a disc with two gaps running through at 45 and 135 degree angles. At the top corners triangles pointing towards the top left and right.
Color Unspecified
Size 150 millimeters wide and tall
Heeresgruppe Süd illustrated overview of unit insignia of subordinate units from 1943.254

LV. Armee-Korps

White mirrored square root symbol.
Color White
Size Unspecified
Spring 1944
Listed in Armeeoberkommando 9 illustrated overview of unit insignia of subordinate units from the spring of 1944.255

LVI. Panzer-Korps

Shield outlined in black with a white diagonal running from bottom-left to top-right, with the top left field in yellow and the bottom right field in red, on a pink square.
  • Pink background
  • Black outline
  • White diagonal
  • Yellow and red fields
Size Unspecified
June 1941
Listed in LVI. Armee-Korps (mot) illustrated overview of vehicle markings of subordinate and adjacent units dated 19 June 1941. In the document, the unit is referred to by the code name Kommandostab Blücher.256
Listed in Panzer-Armeeoberkommando 3 illustrated overview of subordinate units during its campaing on the Eastern Front, created between 1942 and 1944.257

LVII. Panzer-Korps

Black figure of a W with a vertical line extending downwards from the center on a pink square.
  • Pink background
  • Black figure
Size Unspecified
December 1942
6. Panzer-Division order with illustration to paint figure on the roof of the cab of supply trucks. Only the main figure was to be painted, with 150 millimeter wide lines, and with the top part facing forward. No color was specified.258
Listed in Panzer-Armeeoberkommando 1 illustrated overview of unit insignia of subordinate units, most likely from late-1942.259
Listed in Panzer-Armeeoberkommando 3 illustrated overview of subordinate units during its campaing on the Eastern Front, created between 1942 and 1944.260
Disc with two parallel lines pointing from the disc upwards to the left, with a gap in the disc between the two lines.
Color Unspecified
Size 150 millimeters wide and tall
Heeresgruppe Süd illustrated overview of unit insignia of subordinate units from 1943.261

I. SS-Panzer-Korps

Disc with two parallel lines pointing from the disc downwards to the left, with a gap in the disc between the two lines. Both a black-on-khaki and a white-on-green variant are shown.
  • Black when on a yellow camouflage base
  • White when on a green camouflage base
Size 150 millimeters wide and tall
Heeresgruppe Süd illustrated overview of unit insignia of subordinate units from 1943.262
June 1943
I. SS-Panzer-Korps order with illustrations issued 29 May 1943 to be ready to apply markings by 3 June with 48 hour notice.263

II. SS-Panzer-Korps

A red figure of a circle with a horizontal bar intersecting the bottom of the circle and extending beyond the width of the circle.
Color Red
Size Approximately 140 millimeters wide and 108 millimeters tall (estimated from original illustration)
December 1942
Appendix to II. SS-Panzer-Korps war diary entry for 8 December 1942 that the II. SS-Panzer-Korps has submitted a draft for their new insignia to Armeegruppe Felder.264

General-Kommando Raus

Black figure of a disc with a gap running through vertically. At the bottom is a triangle pointing downwards.
  • Black when on a yellow camouflage base
  • White when on a gray camouflage base
Size 150 millimeters wide and tall
Heeresgruppe Süd illustrated overview of unit insignia of subordinate units from 1943.265
June 1943
Armee-Abteilung Kempf order with illustrations issued 21 May 1943 to be ready to apply markings by 3 June with 48 hour notice.266

Gruppe Mieth

Black figure of a disc with a vertical gap running through it. At the top is a triangle pointing upwards.
Color Unspecified
Size 150 millimeters tall
Heeresgruppe Süd illustrated overview of unit insignia of subordinate units from 1943.267


Panzer-Armeeoberkommando 1

White capital letter K.
Color White letter
  • 150 millimeters tall and 80 millimeters wide on motorcycles
  • 200 millimeters tall and 100 millimeters wide on all other motor vehicles
June 1941
Armeeoberkommando 6 overview of unit insignia on motor vehicles issued 13 June 1941 to all army corps and divisions.268

Panzer-Armeeoberkommando 1 order with illustrations issued 20 June 1941 to paint insignia on all motor vehicles that were part of the army one day before the beginning of the invasion of the Soviet Union.

On motorcycles without sidecars the insignia was to be painted on the front and rear mudguards. On motorcycles with sidecars the insignia was to be painted on the front mudguard and rear sidecar body. On other motor vehicles, the insignia was to be painted on the front left and rear right mudguards.269

9. Panzer-Division order with illustrations issued 22 June 1941 implementing the Panzer-Armeeoberkommando 1 order above.270
III. Panzer-Korps order with illustrations issued 18 June 1941 for all vehicles to display unit insignia.271
September 1942
Observed on front left mudguard of Pz Kpfw III lg on black-and-white photograph dated 1 September 1942.
Observed on front left mudguard of car on black-and-white photograph.
Disc with a smaller disc centered beneath. The larger disc is 2.5 times larger than the smaller one. The smaller disc is seperated from the larger one by a small space.
Color Unspecified
Size 150 millimeters tall
Heeresgruppe Süd illustrated overview of unit insignia of subordinate units from 1943.272

Panzer-Armeeoberkommando 3

Black figure of three vertical, parallel lines, with a third horizontal line across their middle and extending to the right, bending downwards to a vertical line.
Color Unspecified
Size Unspecified
June 1941 to August 1941
Illustration on Panzer-Armeeoberkommando 3 newsletters dated from 22 June 1941 to 5 August 1941.273
Illustration on Panzer-Armeeoberkommando 3 illustrated overview of subordinate units during its campaing on the Eastern Front, created between 1942 and 1944.274

Panzer-Armeeoberkommando 4

Black circle with a black capital letter H on a pink square.
  • Pink background
  • Black figure
Size Unspecified
June 1941
Listed in LVI. Armee-Korps (mot) illustrated overview of vehicle markings of subordinate and adjacent units dated 19 June 1941. In the document, the unit is referred to by the code name Festungsstab 89.275
December 1941
Illustration in Panzergruppe 4 history of the Battle of Moscow dated December 1941.276
June 1942
Listed in Panzer-Armeeoberkommando 4 illustrated overview of unit insignia of subordinate units dated 22 June 1942.277

Armeeoberkommando 6

Single disc.
Color Unspecified
Size 150 millimeters wide
Heeresgruppe Süd illustrated overview of unit insignia of subordinate units from 1943.278

Armeeoberkommando 9

White shield with a black figure of a vertical black medieval sword with a swastika on its grip on top of an oak leaf and acorn.
  • White field
  • Sword and oak leaf either black or background color
Size Unspecified
Summer 1943
Listed in Heeresgruppe Mitte illustrated overview of unit insignia of subordinate units from June or early July 1943. In the overview, the unit is referred to by the code name Gruppe Weiß.279
Spring 1944
Listed in Armeeoberkommando 9 illustrated overview of unit insignia of subordinate units from the spring of 1944.280

Armee-Abteilung Kempf

Disc with two smaller discs beneath. The larger disc is 2.5 times larger than the smaller ones. The smaller discs are seperated from the larger one by a small space, and are placed along the left and right side of the large disc respectively. Both a black-on-khaki and a white-on-gray variant are shown.
  • Black when on a yellow camouflage base
  • White when on a gray camouflage base
Size 150 millimeters tall
Heeresgruppe Süd illustrated overview of unit insignia of subordinate units from 1943.281
June 1943
Armee-Abteilung Kempf order with illustrations issued 21 May 1943 to be ready to apply markings by 3 June with 48 hour notice.282
III. Panzer-Korps order with illustrations issued 23 May 1943 to be ready to apply markings by 1 June with 48 hour notice.283

Other Units

Auffrischungsstab Charkow

Disc with a smaller disc centered above. The larger disc is 2.5 times larger than the smaller one. The smaller disc is seperated from the larger one by a small space.
Color Unspecified
Size 150 millimeters tall
Heeresgruppe Süd illustrated overview of unit insignia of subordinate units from 1943.284

Befehlshaber Heeresgebiet Süd

Disc with two smaller discs above. The larger disc is 2.5 times larger than the smaller ones. The smaller discs are seperated from the larger one by a small space, and are placed along the left and right side of the large disc respectively.
Color Unspecified
Size 150 millimeters tall
Heeresgruppe Süd illustrated overview of unit insignia of subordinate units from 1943.285

Kommandant Bobruisk

A white figure of the outline of a shield with the top decorated to look like battlements, with a capital H in the center.
Color White
Size Unspecified
Spring 1944
Listed in Armeeoberkommando 9 illustrated overview of unit insignia of subordinate units from the spring of 1944.286
Notes The commander of Babruysk was Adolf Hamann.

Korück 532

A white figure of a capital K above a set of stylized wings.
Color White
Size Unspecified
Spring 1944
Listed in Armeeoberkommando 9 illustrated overview of unit insignia of subordinate units from the spring of 1944.287

Sturm-Pionier-Bataillon 43

Two green figures, one with a vertical rectangle with a pennant facing right inside, the other with a T-shaped outline turned 90 degrees counter-clockwise inside.
  • Anchor: white
  • Circle:
    • Staff: Green
    • 1st company: White
    • 2nd company: Red
    • 3rd company: Yellow
    • Light engineer column: Blue
Size Unspecified
Listed in XXXX. Armee-Korps (mot) illustrated overview of vehicle markings of subordinate units from 1940.288

SS-Kurierstellen (SS courier offices)

Four figures, each of a circle with a pair of wings, in the colors white, red, green, and yellow.
  • Kurierstelle 1 (Lviv): White
  • Kurierstelle 2 (Warsaw): Red
  • Kurierstelle 3 (Pskov): Green
  • Sonderkommando "Gruppe Künsberg" courier office: Yellow
Size Approximately 270 millimeters wide and 166 millimeters tall (estimated from original illustration)
February 1941
SS-Führungshauptamt order with illustrations issued 4 February 1942 introducing insignia for all motor vehicles of Kurierstelle 1 and Kurierstelle 2.289
SS-Führungshauptamt order with illustration issued 18 February 1942 introducing insignia for all vehicles of the Sonderkommando "Gruppe Künsberg" courier office.290
March 1941
SS-Führungshauptamt order with illustration issued 16 March 1942 introducing insignia for all motor vehicles of Kurierstelle 3.291


  1. Later XVI. Armee-Korps. Back
  2. Three days before the beginning of the offensive. Back
  3. This generally referred to divisions and brigades. Back


  1. 3. Pz. Div. - I a - Anl. z. Kriegstagebuch Nr 2 : 19. 10. - 12. 11. 39., Anl. I 15. 11. - 10. 12. 39. 3. Panzer-Division, 1939. Back
  2. Anlage C II zum Kriegstagebuch Nr. 5 - Eingegangene u. ausgegebene Befehle, Meldungen pp. - vom 28. 7. 40 bis 23. 5. 1941. 1. Panzer-Division, 1941. Back
  3. Heeres-Verordnungsblatt - Teil C : Dreiundzwanzigster Jahrgang 1941. Oberkommando des Heeres, 1941. Page 461. Back
  4. Merkblatt über Tarnung der Truppenkennzeichen im Kriege. 1942. Back
  5. Erkennungszeichen der Verbände u. Heerestruppen des Feldheeres. Panzer-Armeeoberkommando 2, I a, 1943. Back
  6. Erkennungszeichen der Verbände u. Heerestruppen des Feldheeres. Panzer-Armeeoberkommando 2, I a, 1943. Back
  7. Kriegstagebuch Nr. 5 - Generalkommando I. SS-Pz. Kps. - Anlagenband A - 27. 3. 43 - 31. 5. 43. I. SS-Panzer-Korps, 1943. Back
  8. Anlage zum K. T. B. Gen. Kdo. III. Pz. Korps, I a : Nr. 7441 bis 7727 für die Zeit vom 27. 4. 43 bis 3. 6. 43. III. Panzer-Korps, 1943. Back
  9. Erkennungszeichen der Verbände u. Heerestruppen des Feldheeres. Panzer-Armeeoberkommando 2, I a, 1943. Back
  10. Anlagen zum K.T.B. des Gen. Kdo. z.b.V. Raus (ab 20. 7.: Gen.Kdo. XI.A.K.) Ia. : Ein- u. Ausgänge - vom 1. 7. 43 bis 31. 7. 43. XI. Armee-Korps, 1943. Back
  11. Grundlegende Befehle. Der Chef des Generalstabes des Heeres. Back
  12. Armeeoberkommando 9, 1944. Back
  13. Divisionsbefehl Nr. 45. 79. Infanterie-Division, 1944. Back
  14. Kennzeichnung von Truppenfahrzeugen. 35. Infanterie-Division, 1944. Back
  15. Armeeoberkommando 9, 1944. Back
  16. Kriegstagebuch Nr. 1 der 23. Pz. Div. - Abt. Ia - vom 21.9.1941 - 30.5.1942. 23. Panzer-Division, 1942. Back
  17. Kriegstagebuch der Führungs-Abteilung des Kommandos 27. Panzer-Division : 1.10.1942-31.12.1942 - Band 1. 27. Panzer-Division, 1942. Back
  18. Anlagen zum Kriegstagebuch der Führungs-Abteilung des Kommandos 27. Panzer-Division : 2.9.1942-30.10.1942 - Band 1 - Anlagen Nr. 1-100. 27. Panzer-Division, 1942. Back
  19. Anlagen zum Kriegstagebuch der Führungs-Abteilung des Kommandos 27. Panzer-Division : 8.11.1942-1.12.1942 - Band 2 - Anlagen Nr. 101-200. 27. Panzer-Division, 1942. Back
  20. 23. Pz. Div. Ic - Rußland - 1.12.42 - 30.6.43 - Tätigkeitsbericht. 23. Panzer-Division, 1943. Back
  21. 3. Pz. Div. - I a - Anl. z. Kriegstagebuch Nr 2 : 19. 10. - 12. 11. 39., Anl. I 15. 11. - 10. 12. 39. 3. Panzer-Division, 1939. Back
  22. Kriegstagebuch der Quartiermeister-Abteilung 1. Panz.Div. : 10. 5. 40 - 24. 6. 1940. 1. Panzer-Division, 1940. Back
  23. Anlage C II zum Kriegstagebuch Nr. 5 - Eingegangene u. ausgegebene Befehle, Meldungen pp. - vom 28. 7. 40 bis 23. 5. 1941. 1. Panzer-Division, 1941. Back
  24. KTB - Gen. Kdo. LVI.A.K. - Abt.Ia - Anlagen 19., 20., 21. 6. 41. LVI. Armeekorps, 1941. Back
  25. Anlagen zum Kriegstagebuch A.O.K. 9 IV - Armee-Befehle : Armee-Verfügungen 22.6.41-10.9.41 - Band 1. Armeeoberkommando 9, 1941. Back
  26. Verzeichnis der im Rußlandfeldzug der 3. Panzer-Armee unterstellten Korps u. Divisionen. 3. Panzer-Armee, 1944. Back
  27. 3. Pz. Div. - I a - Anl. z. Kriegstagebuch Nr 2 : 19. 10. - 12. 11. 39., Anl. I 15. 11. - 10. 12. 39. 3. Panzer-Division, 1939. Back
  28. Sturm bis vor Moskaus Tore. Panzer-Gruppe 4, 1941. Back
  29. Sturm bis vor Moskaus Tore. Panzer-Gruppe 4, 1941. Back
  30. Verzeichnis der im Rußlandfeldzug der 3. Panzer-Armee unterstellten Korps u. Divisionen. 3. Panzer-Armee, 1944. Back
  31. Erkennungszeichen. 2. Panzer-Division, 1943. Back
  32. Erkennungszeichen der Verbände u. Heerestruppen des Feldheeres. Panzer-Armeeoberkommando 2, I a, 1943. Back
  33. 3. Pz. Div. - I a - Anl. z. Kriegstagebuch Nr 2 : 19. 10. - 12. 11. 39., Anl. I 15. 11. - 10. 12. 39. 3. Panzer-Division, 1939. Back
  34. Anlage zum Kriegstagebuch 3. Panzer-Division Abt. Ia : Allgemeines - vom 12.7.1940 bis 21.3.1941. 3. Panzer-Division, 1941. Back
  35. Anlage zu K.T.B. Nr. 8 - Allgemeines und Gefechtsberichte : 17.5.42. 1. Panzer-Armee, 1942. Back
  36. Anlagen zum Kriegstagebuch Nr. 3 - I a 3. Panzer Division : Allgemeines - vom 1.8.41 bis 2.2.42. 3. Panzer-Division, 1942. Back
  37. Oberkommando des Heeresgruppe Süd Abt. I a, 1943. Back
  38. 3. Pz. Div. - I a - Anl. z. Kriegstagebuch Nr 2 : 19. 10. - 12. 11. 39., Anl. I 15. 11. - 10. 12. 39. 3. Panzer-Division, 1939. Back
  39. Erkennungszeichen der Verbände u. Heerestruppen des Feldheeres. Panzer-Armeeoberkommando 2, I a, 1943. Back
  40. 4. Panzer-Division, 1943. Back
  41. 4. Panzer-Division, 1943. Back
  42. 3. Pz. Div. - I a - Anl. z. Kriegstagebuch Nr 2 : 19. 10. - 12. 11. 39., Anl. I 15. 11. - 10. 12. 39. 3. Panzer-Division, 1939. Back
  43. Sturm bis vor Moskaus Tore. Panzer-Gruppe 4, 1941. Back
  44. Verzeichnis der im Rußlandfeldzug der 3. Panzer-Armee unterstellten Korps u. Divisionen. 3. Panzer-Armee, 1944. Back
  45. 3. Pz. Div. - I a - Anl. z. Kriegstagebuch Nr 2 : 19. 10. - 12. 11. 39., Anl. I 15. 11. - 10. 12. 39. 3. Panzer-Division, 1939. Back
  46. Der Krieg im Westen : Einsatz der 6. Panzer-Division!. 6. Panzer-Division. Back
  47. KTB - Gen. Kdo. LVI.A.K. - Abt.Ia - Anlagen 19., 20., 21. 6. 41. LVI. Armeekorps, 1941. Back
  48. Anlagen zum Kriegstagebuch A.O.K. 9 IV - Armee-Befehle : Armee-Verfügungen 22.6.41-10.9.41 - Band 1. Armeeoberkommando 9, 1941. Back
  49. Verzeichnis der im Rußlandfeldzug der 3. Panzer-Armee unterstellten Korps u. Divisionen. 3. Panzer-Armee, 1944. Back
  50. Oberkommando des Heeresgruppe Süd Abt. I a, 1943. Back
  51. Anlage zum K. T. B. Gen. Kdo. III. Pz. Korps, I a : Nr. 7441 bis 7727 für die Zeit vom 27. 4. 43 bis 3. 6. 43. III. Panzer-Korps, 1943. Back
  52. Anlage zum K. T. B. Gen. Kdo. III. Pz. Korps, I a : Nr. 7441 bis 7727 für die Zeit vom 27. 4. 43 bis 3. 6. 43. III. Panzer-Korps, 1943. Back
  53. 3. Pz. Div. - I a - Anl. z. Kriegstagebuch Nr 2 : 19. 10. - 12. 11. 39., Anl. I 15. 11. - 10. 12. 39. 3. Panzer-Division, 1939. Back
  54. Verzeichnis der im Rußlandfeldzug der 3. Panzer-Armee unterstellten Korps u. Divisionen. 3. Panzer-Armee, 1944. Back
  55. Oberkommando des Heeresgruppe Süd Abt. I a, 1943. Back
  56. Anlage zum K. T. B. Gen. Kdo. III. Pz. Korps, I a : Nr. 7441 bis 7727 für die Zeit vom 27. 4. 43 bis 3. 6. 43. III. Panzer-Korps, 1943. Back
  57. Anlage zum K. T. B. Gen. Kdo. III. Pz. Korps, I a : Nr. 7441 bis 7727 für die Zeit vom 27. 4. 43 bis 3. 6. 43. III. Panzer-Korps, 1943. Back
  58. 3. Pz. Div. - I a - Anl. z. Kriegstagebuch Nr 2 : 19. 10. - 12. 11. 39., Anl. I 15. 11. - 10. 12. 39. 3. Panzer-Division, 1939. Back
  59. KTB - Gen. Kdo. LVI.A.K. - Abt.Ia - Anlagen 19., 20., 21. 6. 41. LVI. Armeekorps, 1941. Back
  60. Anlagen - Bd. 1 zum Kr. Tagebuch bis zum 1. Einsatztage (Rußlandfeldzug) : 12.6.1941 - 18.6.1941. 8. Panzer-Division, 1941. Back
  61. 3. Pz. Div. - I a - Anl. z. Kriegstagebuch Nr 2 : 19. 10. - 12. 11. 39., Anl. I 15. 11. - 10. 12. 39. 3. Panzer-Division, 1939. Back
  62. Anlagen AOK 12, Ia. 12. Armee, 1940. Back
  63. Anlage 2 (Gen. Gouvern) zum K.T.B. Nr. 6 Pz AOK1. Ia (Operationsakten) - lft. Nr. 148-362 : 1/6/1941 - 21/6/1941. 1. Panzer-Armee, 1941. Back
  64. Kriegsgliederungen zum KTB Nr. 5 (Teil III) - 4.6.1942 - 22.12.1942. 4. Panzer-Armee, 1942. Back
  65. Verzeichnis der im Rußlandfeldzug der 3. Panzer-Armee unterstellten Korps u. Divisionen. 3. Panzer-Armee, 1944. Back
  66. Erkennungszeichen der Verbände u. Heerestruppen des Feldheeres. Panzer-Armeeoberkommando 2, I a, 1943. Back
  67. 3. Pz. Div. - I a - Anl. z. Kriegstagebuch Nr 2 : 19. 10. - 12. 11. 39., Anl. I 15. 11. - 10. 12. 39. 3. Panzer-Division, 1939. Back
  68. Sturm bis vor Moskaus Tore. Panzer-Gruppe 4, 1941. Back
  69. Anlage 2 (Gen. Gouvern) zum K.T.B. Nr. 6 Pz AOK1. Ia (Operationsakten) - lft. Nr. 148-362 : 1/6/1941 - 21/6/1941. 1. Panzer-Armee, 1941. Back
  70. Sturm bis vor Moskaus Tore. Panzer-Gruppe 4, 1941. Back
  71. Kriegsgliederungen zum KTB Nr. 5 (Teil III) - 4.6.1942 - 22.12.1942. 4. Panzer-Armee, 1942. Back
  72. Oberkommando des Heeresgruppe Süd Abt. I a, 1943. Back
  73. Anlagen zum Kriegstagebuch A.O.K. 9 IV - Armee-Befehle : Armee-Verfügungen 22.6.41-10.9.41 - Band 1. Armeeoberkommando 9, 1941. Back
  74. Verzeichnis der im Rußlandfeldzug der 3. Panzer-Armee unterstellten Korps u. Divisionen. 3. Panzer-Armee, 1944. Back
  75. Anlage 2 (Gen. Gouvern) zum K.T.B. Nr. 6 Pz AOK1. Ia (Operationsakten) - lft. Nr. 148-362 : 1/6/1941 - 21/6/1941. 1. Panzer-Armee, 1941. Back
  76. Anlage zu K.T.B. Nr. 8 - Allgemeines und Gefechtsberichte : 17.5.42. 1. Panzer-Armee, 1942. Back
  77. Anlage 2 (Gen. Gouvern) zum K.T.B. Nr. 6 Pz AOK1. Ia (Operationsakten) - lft. Nr. 148-362 : 1/6/1941 - 21/6/1941. 1. Panzer-Armee, 1941. Back
  78. Anlagen A: Kriegsgliederungen, C: Operationsakten, E: Allgemein zum Kriegstagebuch Nr. 5 (Führungs-Abt.) : 10. 5. 1941 - 22. 6. 1941. III. Armee-Korps (mot), 1941. Back
  79. Rekonstruktion: Kriegstagebuch Nr. 1 des Kommandos der 15. Panzer Division - Führungsabteilung - vom 14.4.1941 - 18.11.1941. 15. Panzer-Division, 1942. Back
  80. Anlage 2 zum Tätigkeitsbericht vom 17. 8. - 30. 9. 1942 der 15. Pz. Div. Abt. Ic. 15. Panzer-Division, 1942. Back
  81. Kriegstagebuch Nr. 3 Teil I des Kommandos der 15. Panzer-Division - Führungsabteilung - vom 16.2.42 - 25.5.42. 15. Panzer-Division, 1942. Back
  82. Kriegstagebuch Nr. 7 des Kommandos der 15. Panzer-Division - Führungsabteilung - vom 26.12.42 - 11.3.43. 15. Panzer-Division, 1943. Back
  83. Führungsanordnung Nr. 7. 16. Panzer-Division, 1943. Back
  84. Anlage 2 (Gen. Gouvern) zum K.T.B. Nr. 6 Pz AOK1. Ia (Operationsakten) - lft. Nr. 148-362 : 1/6/1941 - 21/6/1941. 1. Panzer-Armee, 1941. Back
  85. Oberkommando des Heeresgruppe Süd Abt. I a, 1943. Back
  86. Erkennungszeichen der Verbände u. Heerestruppen des Feldheeres. Panzer-Armeeoberkommando 2, I a, 1943. Back
  87. Anlagen zum Kriegstagebuch Nr. 1 der 19. Panzer-Division - 31.10.40-19.4.41. Heimat.. 19. Panzer-Division, 1941. Back
  88. Anlagen zum Kriegstagebuch Nr. 1 der 19. Panzer-Division - 31.10.40-19.4.41. Heimat.. 19. Panzer-Division, 1941. Back
  89. Verzeichnis der im Rußlandfeldzug der 3. Panzer-Armee unterstellten Korps u. Divisionen. 3. Panzer-Armee, 1944. Back
  90. Oberkommando des Heeresgruppe Süd Abt. I a, 1943. Back
  91. Anlage zum K. T. B. Gen. Kdo. III. Pz. Korps, I a : Nr. 7441 bis 7727 für die Zeit vom 27. 4. 43 bis 3. 6. 43. III. Panzer-Korps, 1943. Back
  92. Anlage zum K. T. B. Gen. Kdo. III. Pz. Korps, I a : Nr. 7441 bis 7727 für die Zeit vom 27. 4. 43 bis 3. 6. 43. III. Panzer-Korps, 1943. Back
  93. 20. Pz. Div. Kriegstagebuch 1 für die Zeit vom 25.5 bis 15.8.41 : Text: Zweitschrift. 20. Panzer-Division, 1941. Back
  94. 20. Pz. Div. Kriegstagebuch 2 für die Zeit vom 15.8.41 bis 20.10.41 : Text - Erstschrift Band I a 1. 20. Panzer-Division, 1941. Back
  95. 20. Pz. Div. Kriegstagebuch 2 für die Zeit vom 21.10.41 bis 30.12.41 : Text - Erstschrift Band Ia 2. 20. Panzer-Division, 1941. Back
  96. 20. Pz. Div. Kriegstagebuch 2 für die Zeit vom 1.1.42 bis 28.2.42 : Text - Erstschrift Band Ia 3. 20. Panzer-Division, 1942. Back
  97. 20. Pz. Div. Kriegstagebuch 2 für die Zeit vom 1.3.42 bis 30.4.42 : Text - Erstschrift Band Ia 4. 20. Panzer-Division, 1942. Back
  98. 20. Pz. Div. Kriegstagebuch Teil 3 - Anlageband C4 : Abendmeldungen d. Pz.Art.Rgt.92 1.5. - 31.7.1942. 20. Panzer-Division, 1942. Back
  99. 20. Pz. Div. - I a - Kriegstagebuch 4 für die Zeit vom 1.8.42 bis 30.9.42 : Text: Erstschrift mit Aktenplan. 20. Panzer-Division, 1942. Back
  100. 20. Pz. Div. Kriegstagebuch 5 für die Zeit vom 1.10.42 bis 31.12.42 : mit Aktenplan. 20. Panzer-Division, 1942. Back
  101. 20. Pz. Div. Kriegstagebuch - Ia - Teil 6 für die Zeit vom 1.1.43 bis 30.6.43 : Text Erstschrift m. Aktenplan. 20. Panzer-Division, 1943. Back
  102. Verzeichnis der im Rußlandfeldzug der 3. Panzer-Armee unterstellten Korps u. Divisionen. 3. Panzer-Armee, 1944. Back
  103. 20. Pz. Div. - Ia - Kriegstagebuch Teil 6 - Anlageband C2 : Divisionsbefehle 4.1.43-30.6.43. 20. Panzer-Division, 1943. Back
  104. Erkennungszeichen der Verbände u. Heerestruppen des Feldheeres. Panzer-Armeeoberkommando 2, I a, 1943. Back
  105. 20. Pz. Div. Kriegstagebuch - Ia - Teil 7 : Erstschrift 1.7.43 - 8.10.43 mit Aktenplan. 20. Panzer-Division, 1943. Back
  106. Zusammenstellung der Truppenerkennungszeichen der 9. Armee. 9. Armee, 1944. Back
  107. Kriegstagebuch Nr. 1 der 23. Pz. Div. - Abt. Ia - vom 21.9.1941 - 30.5.1942. 23. Panzer-Division, 1942. Back
  108. Kriegstagebuch Nr. 1 der 23. Pz. Div. - Abt. Ia - vom 21.9.1941 - 30.5.1942. 23. Panzer-Division, 1942. Back
  109. Kriegstagebuch Nr. 1 der 23. Pz. Div. - Abt. Ia - vom 30.5.42 - 30.11.42 : Band 1 - 30.5.1942 - 31.8.1942. 23. Panzer-Division, 1942. Back
  110. Kriegstagebuch Nr. 1 der 23. Pz. Div. - Abt. Ia - vom 30.5.42 - 30.11.42 : Band 2 - 1.9.1942 - 16.10.1942. 23. Panzer-Division, 1942. Back
  111. Kriegstagebuch Nr. 1 der 23. Pz. Div. - Abt. Ia - vom 30.5.42 - 30.11.42 : Band 3 - 17.10.1942 - 30.11.1942. 23. Panzer-Division, 1942. Back
  112. 23. Pz. Div. Ic - Rußland - 1.12.42 - 30.6.43 - Tätigkeitsbericht. 23. Panzer-Division, 1943. Back
  113. 23. Pz. Div. Ic - Rußland - 1.12.42 - 30.6.43 - Tätigkeitsbericht. 23. Panzer-Division, 1943. Back
  114. 23. Pz. Div. Ic - Rußland - 1.12.42 - 30.6.43 - Tätigkeitsbericht. 23. Panzer-Division, 1943. Back
  115. Anlage zu K.T.B. Nr. 8 - Allgemeines und Gefechtsberichte : 17.5.42. 1. Panzer-Armee, 1942. Back
  116. Kriegstagebuch Nr. 1 der 23. Pz. Div. - Abt. Ia - vom 21.9.1941 - 30.5.1942. 23. Panzer-Division, 1942. Back
  117. Kriegstagebuch Nr. 1 der 23. Pz. Div. - Abt. Ia - vom 21.9.1941 - 30.5.1942. 23. Panzer-Division, 1942. Back
  118. Kriegstagebuch Nr. 1 der 23. Pz. Div. - Abt. Ia - vom 30.5.42 - 30.11.42 : Band 1 - 30.5.1942 - 31.8.1942. 23. Panzer-Division, 1942. Back
  119. Kriegstagebuch Nr. 1 der 23. Pz. Div. - Abt. Ia - vom 30.5.42 - 30.11.42 : Band 2 - 1.9.1942 - 16.10.1942. 23. Panzer-Division, 1942. Back
  120. Kriegstagebuch Nr. 1 der 23. Pz. Div. - Abt. Ia - vom 30.5.42 - 30.11.42 : Band 3 - 17.10.1942 - 30.11.1942. 23. Panzer-Division, 1942. Back
  121. Kriegstagebuch Nr. 1 der 23. Pz. Div. - Abt. Ia - vom 21.9.1941 - 30.5.1942. 23. Panzer-Division, 1942. Back
  122. Oberkommando des Heeresgruppe Süd Abt. I a, 1943. Back
  123. Kriegsgliederungen zum KTB Nr. 5 (Teil III) - 4.6.1942 - 22.12.1942. 4. Panzer-Armee, 1942. Back
  124. Kriegstagebuch der Führungs-Abteilung des Kommandos 27. Panzer-Division : 1.10.1942-31.12.1942 - Band 1. 27. Panzer-Division, 1942. Back
  125. Anlagen zum Kriegstagebuch der Führungs-Abteilung des Kommandos 27. Panzer-Division : 2.9.1942-30.10.1942 - Band 1 - Anlagen Nr. 1-100. 27. Panzer-Division, 1942. Back
  126. Kriegstagebuch der Führungs-Abteilung des Kommandos 27. Panzer-Division : 1.10.1942-31.12.1942 - Band 1. 27. Panzer-Division, 1942. Back
  127. Anlagen zum Kriegstagebuch der Führungs-Abteilung des Kommandos 27. Panzer-Division : 8.11.1942-1.12.1942 - Band 2 - Anlagen Nr. 101-200. 27. Panzer-Division, 1942. Back
  128. Anlagen A: Kriegsgliederungen, C: Operationsakten, E: Allgemein zum Kriegstagebuch Nr. 5 (Führungs-Abt.) : 10. 5. 1941 - 22. 6. 1941. III. Armee-Korps (mot), 1941. Back
  129. Oberkommando des Heeresgruppe Süd Abt. I a, 1943. Back
  130. Kriegstagebuch Nr. 5 - Generalkommando I. SS-Pz. Kps. - Anlagenband A - 27. 3. 43 - 31. 5. 43. I. SS-Panzer-Korps, 1943. Back
  131. Battr.-Einteilung der 5/SS Pz Art Regiment. 1. SS-Panzer-Division, 1944. Back
  132. SS Pz. Gr. Rgt. 2. 1944. Back
  133. Kennzeichen der Fahrzeuge SS-Kampfgruppe "Reich". SS-Führungshauptamt, 1941. Back
  134. Sturm bis vor Moskaus Tore. Panzer-Gruppe 4, 1941. Back
  135. Oberkommando des Heeresgruppe Süd Abt. I a, 1943. Back
  136. Kriegstagebuch Nr. 5 - Generalkommando I. SS-Pz. Kps. - Anlagenband A - 27. 3. 43 - 31. 5. 43. I. SS-Panzer-Korps, 1943. Back
  137. Oberkommando des Heeresgruppe Süd Abt. I a, 1943. Back
  138. Kriegstagebuch Nr. 5 - Generalkommando I. SS-Pz. Kps. - Anlagenband A - 27. 3. 43 - 31. 5. 43. I. SS-Panzer-Korps, 1943. Back
  139. Anlage 2 (Gen. Gouvern) zum K.T.B. Nr. 6 Pz AOK1. Ia (Operationsakten) - lft. Nr. 148-362 : 1/6/1941 - 21/6/1941. 1. Panzer-Armee, 1941. Back
  140. Anlage zu K.T.B. Nr. 8 - Allgemeines und Gefechtsberichte : 17.5.42. 1. Panzer-Armee, 1942. Back
  141. Oberkommando des Heeresgruppe Süd Abt. I a, 1943. Back
  142. KTB - Gen. Kdo. LVI.A.K. - Abt.Ia - Anlagen 19., 20., 21. 6. 41. LVI. Armeekorps, 1941. Back
  143. Anlagen zum Kriegstagebuch A.O.K. 9 IV - Armee-Befehle : Armee-Verfügungen 22.6.41-10.9.41 - Band 1. Armeeoberkommando 9, 1941. Back
  144. Kriegsgliederungen zum KTB Nr. 5 (Teil III) - 4.6.1942 - 22.12.1942. 4. Panzer-Armee, 1942. Back
  145. Kriegstagebuch Nr. 2 - Gen.Kdo. VI.Armeekorps / Führungsabteilung. VI. Armee-Korps, 1941. Back
  146. Anlagen zum Kriegstagebuch A.O.K. 9 IV - Armee-Befehle : Armee-Verfügungen 22.6.41-10.9.41 - Band 1. Armeeoberkommando 9, 1941. Back
  147. Verzeichnis der im Rußlandfeldzug der 3. Panzer-Armee unterstellten Korps u. Divisionen. 3. Panzer-Armee, 1944. Back
  148. Erkennungszeichen der Verbände u. Heerestruppen des Feldheeres. Panzer-Armeeoberkommando 2, I a, 1943. Back
  149. Zusammenstellung der Truppenerkennungszeichen der 9. Armee. 9. Armee, 1944. Back
  150. Ostfeldzug der ᚨ Inf. Division (mot). 1942. Back
  151. Anlagen AOK 12, Ia. 12. Armee, 1940. Back
  152. Anlagen zum Kriegstagebuch A.O.K. 9 IV - Armee-Befehle : Armee-Verfügungen 22.6.41-10.9.41 - Band 1. Armeeoberkommando 9, 1941. Back
  153. Verzeichnis der im Rußlandfeldzug der 3. Panzer-Armee unterstellten Korps u. Divisionen. 3. Panzer-Armee, 1944. Back
  154. Oberkommando des Heeresgruppe Süd Abt. I a, 1943. Back
  155. Anlagen zum K.T.B. 2 der 15. Div. Abt. Ia v. 16.5.43 - 31.8.43. 15. Infanterie-Division, 1943. Back
  156. Anlage 2 (Gen. Gouvern) zum K.T.B. Nr. 6 Pz AOK1. Ia (Operationsakten) - lft. Nr. 148-362 : 1/6/1941 - 21/6/1941. 1. Panzer-Armee, 1941. Back
  157. Anlage zu K.T.B. Nr. 8 - Allgemeines und Gefechtsberichte : 17.5.42. 1. Panzer-Armee, 1942. Back
  158. Oberkommando des Heeresgruppe Süd Abt. I a, 1943. Back
  159. Oberkommando des Heeresgruppe Süd Abt. I a, 1943. Back
  160. Verzeichnis der im Rußlandfeldzug der 3. Panzer-Armee unterstellten Korps u. Divisionen. 3. Panzer-Armee, 1944. Back
  161. Anlagen zum Kriegstagebuch A.O.K. 9 IV - Armee-Befehle : Armee-Verfügungen 22.6.41-10.9.41 - Band 1. Armeeoberkommando 9, 1941. Back
  162. Verzeichnis der im Rußlandfeldzug der 3. Panzer-Armee unterstellten Korps u. Divisionen. 3. Panzer-Armee, 1944. Back
  163. Anlagen A: Kriegsgliederungen, C: Operationsakten, E: Allgemein zum Kriegstagebuch Nr. 5 (Führungs-Abt.) : 10. 5. 1941 - 22. 6. 1941. III. Armee-Korps (mot), 1941. Back
  164. Kriegstagebuch Nr. 2 - Gen.Kdo. VI.Armeekorps / Führungsabteilung. VI. Armee-Korps, 1941. Back
  165. Anlagen zum Kriegstagebuch A.O.K. 9 IV - Armee-Befehle : Armee-Verfügungen 22.6.41-10.9.41 - Band 1. Armeeoberkommando 9, 1941. Back
  166. Anlagen zum Kriegstagebuch A.O.K. 9 IV - Armee-Befehle : Armee-Verfügungen 22.6.41-10.9.41 - Band 1. Armeeoberkommando 9, 1941. Back
  167. Sturm bis vor Moskaus Tore. Panzer-Gruppe 4, 1941. Back
  168. Zusammenstellung der Truppenerkennungszeichen der 9. Armee. 9. Armee, 1944. Back
  169. 35. Infanterie-Division, 1944. Back
  170. Verzeichnis der im Rußlandfeldzug der 3. Panzer-Armee unterstellten Korps u. Divisionen. 3. Panzer-Armee, 1944. Back
  171. KTB - Gen. Kdo. LVI.A.K. - Abt.Ia - Anlagen 19., 20., 21. 6. 41. LVI. Armeekorps, 1941. Back
  172. Anlagen zum Kriegstagebuch A.O.K. 9 IV - Armee-Befehle : Armee-Verfügungen 22.6.41-10.9.41 - Band 1. Armeeoberkommando 9, 1941. Back
  173. Verzeichnis der im Rußlandfeldzug der 3. Panzer-Armee unterstellten Korps u. Divisionen. 3. Panzer-Armee, 1944. Back
  174. Oberkommando des Heeresgruppe Süd Abt. I a, 1943. Back
  175. Oberkommando des Heeresgruppe Süd Abt. I a, 1943. Back
  176. Anlage zum K. T. B. Gen. Kdo. III. Pz. Korps, I a : Nr. 7441 bis 7727 für die Zeit vom 27. 4. 43 bis 3. 6. 43. III. Panzer-Korps, 1943. Back
  177. Oberkommando des Heeresgruppe Süd Abt. I a, 1943. Back
  178. Oberkommando des Heeresgruppe Süd Abt. I a, 1943. Back
  179. Oberkommando des Heeresgruppe Süd Abt. I a, 1943. Back
  180. Divisionsbefehl Nr. 45. 79. Infanterie-Division, 1944. Back
  181. Kriegsgliederungen zum KTB Nr. 5 (Teil III) - 4.6.1942 - 22.12.1942. 4. Panzer-Armee, 1942. Back
  182. Anlagen zum Kriegstagebuch A.O.K. 9 IV - Armee-Befehle : Armee-Verfügungen 22.6.41-10.9.41 - Band 1. Armeeoberkommando 9, 1941. Back
  183. Sturm bis vor Moskaus Tore. Panzer-Gruppe 4, 1941. Back
  184. Verzeichnis der im Rußlandfeldzug der 3. Panzer-Armee unterstellten Korps u. Divisionen. 3. Panzer-Armee, 1944. Back
  185. Oberkommando des Heeresgruppe Süd Abt. I a, 1943. Back
  186. Anlage zum K. T. B. Gen. Kdo. III. Pz. Korps, I a : Nr. 7441 bis 7727 für die Zeit vom 27. 4. 43 bis 3. 6. 43. III. Panzer-Korps, 1943. Back
  187. Oberkommando des Heeresgruppe Süd Abt. I a, 1943. Back
  188. Zusammenstellung der Truppenerkennungszeichen der 9. Armee. 9. Armee, 1944. Back
  189. Armeeoberkommando 9, 1944. Back
  190. Oberkommando des Heeresgruppe Süd Abt. I a, 1943. Back
  191. Anlage zum K. T. B. Gen. Kdo. III. Pz. Korps, I a : Nr. 7441 bis 7727 für die Zeit vom 27. 4. 43 bis 3. 6. 43. III. Panzer-Korps, 1943. Back
  192. Oberkommando des Heeresgruppe Süd Abt. I a, 1943. Back
  193. Oberkommando des Heeresgruppe Süd Abt. I a, 1943. Back
  194. Anlage zum K. T. B. Gen. Kdo. III. Pz. Korps, I a : Nr. 7441 bis 7727 für die Zeit vom 27. 4. 43 bis 3. 6. 43. III. Panzer-Korps, 1943. Back
  195. Anlage zum K. T. B. Gen. Kdo. III. Pz. Korps, I a : Nr. 7441 bis 7727 für die Zeit vom 27. 4. 43 bis 3. 6. 43. III. Panzer-Korps, 1943. Back
  196. Sturm bis vor Moskaus Tore. Panzer-Gruppe 4, 1941. Back
  197. Verzeichnis der im Rußlandfeldzug der 3. Panzer-Armee unterstellten Korps u. Divisionen. 3. Panzer-Armee, 1944. Back
  198. Oberkommando des Heeresgruppe Süd Abt. I a, 1943. Back
  199. Oberkommando des Heeresgruppe Süd Abt. I a, 1943. Back
  200. Oberkommando des Heeresgruppe Süd Abt. I a, 1943. Back
  201. KTB - Gen. Kdo. LVI.A.K. - Abt.Ia - Anlagen 19., 20., 21. 6. 41. LVI. Armeekorps, 1941. Back
  202. Oberkommando des Heeresgruppe Süd Abt. I a, 1943. Back
  203. Anlage zum K. T. B. Gen. Kdo. III. Pz. Korps, I a : Nr. 7441 bis 7727 für die Zeit vom 27. 4. 43 bis 3. 6. 43. III. Panzer-Korps, 1943. Back
  204. KTB - Gen. Kdo. LVI.A.K. - Abt.Ia - Anlagen 19., 20., 21. 6. 41. LVI. Armeekorps, 1941. Back
  205. Oberkommando des Heeresgruppe Süd Abt. I a, 1943. Back
  206. Oberkommando des Heeresgruppe Süd Abt. I a, 1943. Back
  207. Oberkommando des Heeresgruppe Süd Abt. I a, 1943. Back
  208. Oberkommando des Heeresgruppe Süd Abt. I a, 1943. Back
  209. Offene Truppenteilbezeichnung im Feldheer. 306. Infanterie-Division, 1944. Back
  210. Oberkommando des Heeresgruppe Süd Abt. I a, 1943. Back
  211. Anlage zum K. T. B. Gen. Kdo. III. Pz. Korps, I a : Nr. 7441 bis 7727 für die Zeit vom 27. 4. 43 bis 3. 6. 43. III. Panzer-Korps, 1943. Back
  212. Oberkommando des Heeresgruppe Süd Abt. I a, 1943. Back
  213. Anlagen zum K. T. B. Gen. Kdo. III. Pz. Korps, I a : Nr. 7728 bis 8002 für die Zeit vom 4. 6. 1943 bis 4. 7. 1943. III. Panzer-Korps, 1943. Back
  214. Oberkommando des Heeresgruppe Süd Abt. I a, 1943. Back
  215. Oberkommando des Heeresgruppe Süd Abt. I a, 1943. Back
  216. Oberkommando des Heeresgruppe Süd Abt. I a, 1943. Back
  217. Oberkommando des Heeresgruppe Süd Abt. I a, 1943. Back
  218. Kriegsgliederungen zum KTB Nr. 5 (Teil III) - 4.6.1942 - 22.12.1942. 4. Panzer-Armee, 1942. Back
  219. Divisionsbefehl Nr. 45. 79. Infanterie-Division, 1944. Back
  220. Kriegsgliederungen zum KTB Nr. 5 (Teil III) - 4.6.1942 - 22.12.1942. 4. Panzer-Armee, 1942. Back
  221. Oberkommando des Heeresgruppe Süd Abt. I a, 1943. Back
  222. Anlagen zum Kriegstagebuch Nr. 1 der 542. Volks-Gren.Div. Nr. 1-128 : Mappe Nr. 1. 542. Volks-Grenadier-Division, 1944. Back
  223. Kriegsgliederungen zum KTB Nr. 5 (Teil III) - 4.6.1942 - 22.12.1942. 4. Panzer-Armee, 1942. Back
  224. Kriegstagebuch : Tätigkeitsbericht der Abt. I c vom 1.4.43 - 18.7.1943. Infanterie-Division Großdeutschland, 1943. Back
  225. Anlage zu K.T.B. Nr. 8 - Allgemeines und Gefechtsberichte : 17.5.42. 1. Panzer-Armee, 1942. Back
  226. Oberkommando des Heeresgruppe Süd Abt. I a, 1943. Back
  227. Anlage zu K.T.B. Nr. 8 - Allgemeines und Gefechtsberichte : 17.5.42. 1. Panzer-Armee, 1942. Back
  228. Tätigkeitsbericht der 117. Jäger-Division, I a : 1. Mai - 30. Juni 1943 mit Anlagen. 117. Jäger-Division, 1943. Back
  229. Oberkommando des Heeresgruppe Süd Abt. I a, 1943. Back
  230. Kennzeichen der Fahrzeuge SS-Kampfgruppe "Nord". SS-Führungshauptamt, 1941. Back
  231. Oberkommando des Heeresgruppe Süd Abt. I a, 1943. Back
  232. Anlagen A: Kriegsgliederungen, C: Operationsakten, E: Allgemein zum Kriegstagebuch Nr. 5 (Führungs-Abt.) : 10. 5. 1941 - 22. 6. 1941. III. Armee-Korps (mot), 1941. Back
  233. Oberkommando des Heeresgruppe Süd Abt. I a, 1943. Back
  234. Anlage zum K. T. B. Gen. Kdo. III. Pz. Korps, I a : Nr. 7441 bis 7727 für die Zeit vom 27. 4. 43 bis 3. 6. 43. III. Panzer-Korps, 1943. Back
  235. Anlage zum K. T. B. Gen. Kdo. III. Pz. Korps, I a : Nr. 7441 bis 7727 für die Zeit vom 27. 4. 43 bis 3. 6. 43. III. Panzer-Korps, 1943. Back
  236. Kriegsgliederungen zum KTB Nr. 5 (Teil III) - 4.6.1942 - 22.12.1942. 4. Panzer-Armee, 1942. Back
  237. Oberkommando des Heeresgruppe Süd Abt. I a, 1943. Back
  238. Kriegsgliederungen zum KTB Nr. 5 (Teil III) - 4.6.1942 - 22.12.1942. 4. Panzer-Armee, 1942. Back
  239. Oberkommando des Heeresgruppe Süd Abt. I a, 1943. Back
  240. Oberkommando des Heeresgruppe Süd Abt. I a, 1943. Back
  241. Oberkommando des Heeresgruppe Süd Abt. I a, 1943. Back
  242. Zusammenstellung der Truppenerkennungszeichen der 9. Armee. 9. Armee, 1944. Back
  243. Anlagen AOK 12, Ia. 12. Armee, 1940. Back
  244. Oberkommando des Heeresgruppe Süd Abt. I a, 1943. Back
  245. Anlagen zum Kriegstagebuch Nr. 7. Der Führungs-Abt. I a XXXX. Pz. Korps. : Nr. 299-512 - Band 2. XXXX. Panzer-Korps, 1944. Back
  246. KTB - Gen. Kdo. LVI.A.K. - Abt.Ia - Anlagen 19., 20., 21. 6. 41. LVI. Armeekorps, 1941. Back
  247. Verzeichnis der im Rußlandfeldzug der 3. Panzer-Armee unterstellten Korps u. Divisionen. 3. Panzer-Armee, 1944. Back
  248. Erkennungszeichen der Verbände u. Heerestruppen des Feldheeres. Panzer-Armeeoberkommando 2, I a, 1943. Back
  249. Zusammenstellung der Truppenerkennungszeichen der 9. Armee. 9. Armee, 1944. Back
  250. Oberkommando des Heeresgruppe Süd Abt. I a, 1943. Back
  251. Anlage zum K. T. B. Gen. Kdo. III. Pz. Korps, I a : Nr. 7441 bis 7727 für die Zeit vom 27. 4. 43 bis 3. 6. 43. III. Panzer-Korps, 1943. Back
  252. Kriegsgliederungen zum KTB Nr. 5 (Teil III) - 4.6.1942 - 22.12.1942. 4. Panzer-Armee, 1942. Back
  253. Oberkommando des Heeresgruppe Süd Abt. I a, 1943. Back
  254. Oberkommando des Heeresgruppe Süd Abt. I a, 1943. Back
  255. Zusammenstellung der Truppenerkennungszeichen der 9. Armee. 9. Armee, 1944. Back
  256. KTB - Gen. Kdo. LVI.A.K. - Abt.Ia - Anlagen 19., 20., 21. 6. 41. LVI. Armeekorps, 1941. Back
  257. Verzeichnis der im Rußlandfeldzug der 3. Panzer-Armee unterstellten Korps u. Divisionen. 3. Panzer-Armee, 1944. Back
  258. Anlagen zum K.T.B. : 1. - 5. 12. 1942. 6. Panzer-Division, 1942. Back
  259. Anlage zu K.T.B. Nr. 8 - Allgemeines und Gefechtsberichte : 17.5.42. 1. Panzer-Armee, 1942. Back
  260. Verzeichnis der im Rußlandfeldzug der 3. Panzer-Armee unterstellten Korps u. Divisionen. 3. Panzer-Armee, 1944. Back
  261. Oberkommando des Heeresgruppe Süd Abt. I a, 1943. Back
  262. Oberkommando des Heeresgruppe Süd Abt. I a, 1943. Back
  263. Kriegstagebuch Nr. 5 - Generalkommando I. SS-Pz. Kps. - Anlagenband A - 27. 3. 43 - 31. 5. 43. I. SS-Panzer-Korps, 1943. Back
  264. Kriegstagebuch Nr. 3 - Generalkommando SS-Pz. Kps. - I c und II a - 1.11.1942 - 5.1.1943. II. SS-Panzer-Korps, 1942. Back
  265. Oberkommando des Heeresgruppe Süd Abt. I a, 1943. Back
  266. Anlage zum K. T. B. Gen. Kdo. III. Pz. Korps, I a : Nr. 7441 bis 7727 für die Zeit vom 27. 4. 43 bis 3. 6. 43. III. Panzer-Korps, 1943. Back
  267. Oberkommando des Heeresgruppe Süd Abt. I a, 1943. Back
  268. Anlage 2 (Gen. Gouvern) zum K.T.B. Nr. 6 Pz AOK1. Ia (Operationsakten) - lft. Nr. 148-362 : 1/6/1941 - 21/6/1941. 1. Panzer-Armee, 1941. Back
  269. Anlagenband Anlage 1 zum Kriegstagebuch der Oberquartiermeisterabteilung der 1. Panzer-Armee vom 2.5.41-31.10.41. 1. Panzer-Armee, 1941. Back
  270. 9. Panzer-Div., Abt. Ib. Anlage 2 zum K.T.B. Nr.: 1 vom: 6.5.41 bis: 27.6.1941. Heimat.. 9. Panzer-Division, 1941. Back
  271. Anlagen A: Kriegsgliederungen, C: Operationsakten, E: Allgemein zum Kriegstagebuch Nr. 5 (Führungs-Abt.) : 10. 5. 1941 - 22. 6. 1941. III. Armee-Korps (mot), 1941. Back
  272. Oberkommando des Heeresgruppe Süd Abt. I a, 1943. Back
  273. Anlagenband L, Teil I zum Tätigkeitsbericht Nr. 2 Panzer-Gruppe 3, Abt. I c : begonnen: 15.2.41, abgeschlossen: 13.8.41. 3. Panzer-Armee, 1941. Back
  274. Verzeichnis der im Rußlandfeldzug der 3. Panzer-Armee unterstellten Korps u. Divisionen. 3. Panzer-Armee, 1944. Back
  275. KTB - Gen. Kdo. LVI.A.K. - Abt.Ia - Anlagen 19., 20., 21. 6. 41. LVI. Armeekorps, 1941. Back
  276. Sturm bis vor Moskaus Tore. Panzer-Gruppe 4, 1941. Back
  277. Kriegsgliederungen zum KTB Nr. 5 (Teil III) - 4.6.1942 - 22.12.1942. 4. Panzer-Armee, 1942. Back
  278. Oberkommando des Heeresgruppe Süd Abt. I a, 1943. Back
  279. Erkennungszeichen der Verbände u. Heerestruppen des Feldheeres. Panzer-Armeeoberkommando 2, I a, 1943. Back
  280. Zusammenstellung der Truppenerkennungszeichen der 9. Armee. 9. Armee, 1944. Back
  281. Oberkommando des Heeresgruppe Süd Abt. I a, 1943. Back
  282. Anlage zum K. T. B. Gen. Kdo. III. Pz. Korps, I a : Nr. 7441 bis 7727 für die Zeit vom 27. 4. 43 bis 3. 6. 43. III. Panzer-Korps, 1943. Back
  283. Anlage zum K. T. B. Gen. Kdo. III. Pz. Korps, I a : Nr. 7441 bis 7727 für die Zeit vom 27. 4. 43 bis 3. 6. 43. III. Panzer-Korps, 1943. Back
  284. Oberkommando des Heeresgruppe Süd Abt. I a, 1943. Back
  285. Oberkommando des Heeresgruppe Süd Abt. I a, 1943. Back
  286. Zusammenstellung der Truppenerkennungszeichen der 9. Armee. 9. Armee, 1944. Back
  287. Zusammenstellung der Truppenerkennungszeichen der 9. Armee. 9. Armee, 1944. Back
  288. Anlagen AOK 12, Ia. 12. Armee, 1940. Back
  289. Kennzeichen der Fahrzeuge der Kurierstellen 1 und 2. SS-Führungshauptamt, 1942. Back
  290. Kennzeichen der Fahrzeuge der Kurierstaffel des Sonderkommandos AA "Gruppe Künsberg". SS-Führungshauptamt, 1942. Back
  291. Aufstellung der Kurierstelle Pleskau. SS-Führungshauptamt, 1942. Back


  1. Der Krieg im Westen : Einsatz der 6. Panzer-Division!. 6. Panzer-Division. 12 p. NARA T315 R350.
  2. Grundlegende Befehle. Der Chef des Generalstabes des Heeres. 200 p. NARA T78 R414 H 1/170.
  3. 3. Pz. Div. - I a - Anl. z. Kriegstagebuch Nr 2 : 19. 10. - 12. 11. 39., Anl. I 15. 11. - 10. 12. 39. 3. Panzer-Division, 1939. 204 p. NARA T315 R112 W1029/12.
  4. Anlagen AOK 12, Ia. 12. Armee, 1940. 301 p. NARA T312 R424.
  5. Kriegstagebuch der Quartiermeister-Abteilung 1. Panz.Div. : 10. 5. 40 - 24. 6. 1940. 1. Panzer-Division, 1940. 247 p. NARA T315 R16 W6099a.
  6. 20. Pz. Div. Kriegstagebuch 1 für die Zeit vom 25.5 bis 15.8.41 : Text: Zweitschrift. 20. Panzer-Division, 1941. 72 p. NARA T315 R744.
  7. 20. Pz. Div. Kriegstagebuch 2 für die Zeit vom 15.8.41 bis 20.10.41 : Text - Erstschrift Band I a 1. 20. Panzer-Division, 1941. 144 p. NARA T315 R741.
  8. 20. Pz. Div. Kriegstagebuch 2 für die Zeit vom 21.10.41 bis 30.12.41 : Text - Erstschrift Band Ia 2. 20. Panzer-Division, 1941. 140 p. NARA T315 R741.
  9. 9. Panzer-Div., Abt. Ib. Anlage 2 zum K.T.B. Nr.: 1 vom: 6.5.41 bis: 27.6.1941. Heimat.. 9. Panzer-Division, 1941. 92 p. NARA T315 R533.
  10. Anlage 2 (Gen. Gouvern) zum K.T.B. Nr. 6 Pz AOK1. Ia (Operationsakten) - lft. Nr. 148-362 : 1/6/1941 - 21/6/1941. 1. Panzer-Armee, 1941. 525 p. NARA T313 R4.
  11. Anlage C II zum Kriegstagebuch Nr. 5 - Eingegangene u. ausgegebene Befehle, Meldungen pp. - vom 28. 7. 40 bis 23. 5. 1941. 1. Panzer-Division, 1941. 398 p. NARA T315 R21.
  12. Anlage zum Kriegstagebuch 3. Panzer-Division Abt. Ia : Allgemeines - vom 12.7.1940 bis 21.3.1941. 3. Panzer-Division, 1941. 216 p. NARA T315 R117 19269/13.
  13. Anlagen - Bd. 1 zum Kr. Tagebuch bis zum 1. Einsatztage (Rußlandfeldzug) : 12.6.1941 - 18.6.1941. 8. Panzer-Division, 1941. 544 p. NARA T315 R471.
  14. Anlagen A: Kriegsgliederungen, C: Operationsakten, E: Allgemein zum Kriegstagebuch Nr. 5 (Führungs-Abt.) : 10. 5. 1941 - 22. 6. 1941. III. Armee-Korps (mot), 1941. 202 p. NARA T314 R182.
  15. Anlagen zum Kriegstagebuch A.O.K. 9 IV - Armee-Befehle : Armee-Verfügungen 22.6.41-10.9.41 - Band 1. Armeeoberkommando 9, 1941. 306 p. NARA T312 R275 14008/9.
  16. Anlagen zum Kriegstagebuch Nr. 1 der 19. Panzer-Division - 31.10.40-19.4.41. Heimat.. 19. Panzer-Division, 1941. 207 p. NARA T315 R722.
  17. Anlagenband Anlage 1 zum Kriegstagebuch der Oberquartiermeisterabteilung der 1. Panzer-Armee vom 2.5.41-31.10.41. 1. Panzer-Armee, 1941. 590 p. NARA T313 R15.
  18. Anlagenband L, Teil I zum Tätigkeitsbericht Nr. 2 Panzer-Gruppe 3, Abt. I c : begonnen: 15.2.41, abgeschlossen: 13.8.41. 3. Panzer-Armee, 1941. 182 p. NARA T313 R243.
  19. Heeres-Verordnungsblatt - Teil C : Dreiundzwanzigster Jahrgang 1941. Berlin : Oberkommando des Heeres, 1941. 748 p. BArch RH 1/146.
  20. Kennzeichen der Fahrzeuge SS-Kampfgruppe "Nord". Berlin-Wilmersdorf : SS-Führungshauptamt, 1941. 1 p. BArch NS 33/230.
  21. Kennzeichen der Fahrzeuge SS-Kampfgruppe "Reich". Berlin-Wilmersdorf : SS-Führungshauptamt, 1941. 1 p. BArch NS 33/230.
  22. Kriegstagebuch Nr. 2 - Gen.Kdo. VI.Armeekorps / Führungsabteilung. VI. Armee-Korps, 1941. 358 p. NARA T314 R274 AK VI, 11485/1.
  23. KTB - Gen. Kdo. LVI.A.K. - Abt.Ia - Anlagen 19., 20., 21. 6. 41. LVI. Armeekorps, 1941. 651 p. NARA T314 R1389.
  24. Sturm bis vor Moskaus Tore. Panzer-Gruppe 4, 1941. 42 p. DHI 500-12466-000146.
  25. 20. Pz. Div. - I a - Kriegstagebuch 4 für die Zeit vom 1.8.42 bis 30.9.42 : Text: Erstschrift mit Aktenplan. 20. Panzer-Division, 1942. 92 p. NARA T315 R745.
  26. 20. Pz. Div. Kriegstagebuch 2 für die Zeit vom 1.1.42 bis 28.2.42 : Text - Erstschrift Band Ia 3. 20. Panzer-Division, 1942. 97 p. NARA T315 R741.
  27. 20. Pz. Div. Kriegstagebuch 2 für die Zeit vom 1.3.42 bis 30.4.42 : Text - Erstschrift Band Ia 4. 20. Panzer-Division, 1942. 142 p. NARA T315 R741.
  28. 20. Pz. Div. Kriegstagebuch 5 für die Zeit vom 1.10.42 bis 31.12.42 : mit Aktenplan. 20. Panzer-Division, 1942. 167 p. NARA T315 R745.
  29. 20. Pz. Div. Kriegstagebuch Teil 3 - Anlageband C4 : Abendmeldungen d. Pz.Art.Rgt.92 1.5. - 31.7.1942. 20. Panzer-Division, 1942. 85 p. NARA T315 R745.
  30. Anlage 2 zum Tätigkeitsbericht vom 17. 8. - 30. 9. 1942 der 15. Pz. Div. Abt. Ic. 15. Panzer-Division, 1942. 45 p. NARA T315 R666.
  31. Anlage zu K.T.B. Nr. 8 - Allgemeines und Gefechtsberichte : 17.5.42. 1. Panzer-Armee, 1942. 57 p. NARA T313 R29 24906/2.
  32. Anlagen zum K.T.B. : 1. - 5. 12. 1942. 6. Panzer-Division, 1942. 173 p. NARA T315 R341 37417/5.
  33. Anlagen zum Kriegstagebuch der Führungs-Abteilung des Kommandos 27. Panzer-Division : 2.9.1942-30.10.1942 - Band 1 - Anlagen Nr. 1-100. 27. Panzer-Division, 1942. 294 p. NARA T315 R829 29194/3.
  34. Anlagen zum Kriegstagebuch der Führungs-Abteilung des Kommandos 27. Panzer-Division : 8.11.1942-1.12.1942 - Band 2 - Anlagen Nr. 101-200. 27. Panzer-Division, 1942. 302 p. NARA T315 R829 29194/4.
  35. Anlagen zum Kriegstagebuch Nr. 3 - I a 3. Panzer Division : Allgemeines - vom 1.8.41 bis 2.2.42. 3. Panzer-Division, 1942. 187 p. NARA T315 R117.
  36. Aufstellung der Kurierstelle Pleskau. Berlin-Wilmersdorf : SS-Führungshauptamt, 1942. 1 p. BArch NS 33/232.
  37. Kennzeichen der Fahrzeuge der Kurierstaffel des Sonderkommandos AA "Gruppe Künsberg". Berlin-Wilmersdorf : SS-Führungshauptamt, 1942. 1 p. BArch NS 33/230.
  38. Kennzeichen der Fahrzeuge der Kurierstellen 1 und 2. Berlin-Wilmersdorf : SS-Führungshauptamt, 1942. 1 p. BArch NS 33/230.
  39. Kriegsgliederungen zum KTB Nr. 5 (Teil III) - 4.6.1942 - 22.12.1942. 4. Panzer-Armee, 1942. 133 p. . NARA T313 R355.
  40. Kriegstagebuch der Führungs-Abteilung des Kommandos 27. Panzer-Division : 1.10.1942-31.12.1942 - Band 1. 27. Panzer-Division, 1942. 118 p. NARA T315 R829 29194/1.
  41. Kriegstagebuch Nr. 1 der 23. Pz. Div. - Abt. Ia - vom 21.9.1941 - 30.5.1942. 23. Panzer-Division, 1942. 97 p. NARA T315 R791.
  42. Kriegstagebuch Nr. 1 der 23. Pz. Div. - Abt. Ia - vom 30.5.42 - 30.11.42 : Band 1 - 30.5.1942 - 31.8.1942. 23. Panzer-Division, 1942. 346 p. NARA T315 R791.
  43. Kriegstagebuch Nr. 1 der 23. Pz. Div. - Abt. Ia - vom 30.5.42 - 30.11.42 : Band 2 - 1.9.1942 - 16.10.1942. 23. Panzer-Division, 1942. 219 p. NARA T315 R791.
  44. Kriegstagebuch Nr. 1 der 23. Pz. Div. - Abt. Ia - vom 30.5.42 - 30.11.42 : Band 3 - 17.10.1942 - 30.11.1942. 23. Panzer-Division, 1942. 178 p. NARA T315 R791.
  45. Kriegstagebuch Nr. 3 Teil I des Kommandos der 15. Panzer-Division - Führungsabteilung - vom 16.2.42 - 25.5.42. 15. Panzer-Division, 1942. 304 p. NARA T315 R666.
  46. Merkblatt über Tarnung der Truppenkennzeichen im Kriege. 1942. 1 p. Teil III. 1/6.. BArch RH 53-9/184.
  47. Ostfeldzug der ᚨ Inf. Division (mot). 1942. 1 p. BArch RH 26-10/555.
  48. Rekonstruktion: Kriegstagebuch Nr. 1 des Kommandos der 15. Panzer Division - Führungsabteilung - vom 14.4.1941 - 18.11.1941. 15. Panzer-Division, 1942. 291 p. NARA T315 R665.
  49. Oberkommando des Heeresgruppe Süd Abt. I a, 1943. 1 p. H Gr Süd Abt. I a - 1357/43 g. Kdos.. BArch RH 22/315.
  50. 4. Panzer-Division, 1943. 3 p. 404. Division Ia Nr.1765/43 geheim. NARA T315 R220.
  51. 20. Pz. Div. - Ia - Kriegstagebuch Teil 6 - Anlageband C2 : Divisionsbefehle 4.1.43-30.6.43. 20. Panzer-Division, 1943. 184 p. NARA T315 R747.
  52. 20. Pz. Div. Kriegstagebuch - Ia - Teil 6 für die Zeit vom 1.1.43 bis 30.6.43 : Text Erstschrift m. Aktenplan. 20. Panzer-Division, 1943. 264 p. NARA T315 R746.
  53. 20. Pz. Div. Kriegstagebuch - Ia - Teil 7 : Erstschrift 1.7.43 - 8.10.43 mit Aktenplan. 20. Panzer-Division, 1943. 183 p. NARA T315 R747 36587/5.
  54. 23. Pz. Div. Ic - Rußland - 1.12.42 - 30.6.43 - Tätigkeitsbericht. 23. Panzer-Division, 1943. 157 p. NARA T315 R795.
  55. Anlage zum K. T. B. Gen. Kdo. III. Pz. Korps, I a : Nr. 7441 bis 7727 für die Zeit vom 27. 4. 43 bis 3. 6. 43. III. Panzer-Korps, 1943. 548 p. NARA T314 R197 38444/10.
  56. Anlagen zum K. T. B. Gen. Kdo. III. Pz. Korps, I a : Nr. 7728 bis 8002 für die Zeit vom 4. 6. 1943 bis 4. 7. 1943. III. Panzer-Korps, 1943. 491 p. III. Panzer-Korps. NARA T314 R197 38444/11.
  57. Anlagen zum K.T.B. 2 der 15. Div. Abt. Ia v. 16.5.43 - 31.8.43. 15. Infanterie-Division, 1943. 297 p. NARA T315 R662 35998/2.
  58. Anlagen zum K.T.B. des Gen. Kdo. z.b.V. Raus (ab 20. 7.: Gen.Kdo. XI.A.K.) Ia. : Ein- u. Ausgänge - vom 1. 7. 43 bis 31. 7. 43. XI. Armee-Korps, 1943. 850 p. NARA T314 R492 36237/10.
  59. Erkennungszeichen. 2. Panzer-Division, 1943. 2 p. 2. Panzer-Division/Ia Nr. 181/43 geh II. Ang. NARA R315 R94.
  60. Erkennungszeichen der Verbände u. Heerestruppen des Feldheeres. Panzer-Armeeoberkommando 2, I a, 1943. 62 p. NARA T313 R180 37075/154.
  61. Führungsanordnung Nr. 7. 16. Panzer-Division, 1943. 3 p. 16. Panzer-Division/Ia Nr. 578/43 geh. NARA T315 R681.
  62. Kriegstagebuch : Tätigkeitsbericht der Abt. I c vom 1.4.43 - 18.7.1943. Infanterie-Division Großdeutschland, 1943. 170 p. NARA T315 R2290.
  63. Kriegstagebuch Nr. 5 - Generalkommando I. SS-Pz. Kps. - Anlagenband A - 27. 3. 43 - 31. 5. 43. I. SS-Panzer-Korps, 1943. 305 p. NARA T354 R603.
  64. Kriegstagebuch Nr. 7 des Kommandos der 15. Panzer-Division - Führungsabteilung - vom 26.12.42 - 11.3.43. 15. Panzer-Division, 1943. 696 p. NARA T315 R667.
  65. Tätigkeitsbericht der 117. Jäger-Division, I a : 1. Mai - 30. Juni 1943 mit Anlagen. 117. Jäger-Division, 1943. 279 p. NARA T315 R1299 34737/2.
  66. 35. Infanterie-Division, 1944. 3 p. DHI 500-12477-321.
  67. Armeeoberkommando 9, 1944. 5 p. DHI 500-12477-269.
  68. Anlagen zum Kriegstagebuch Nr. 1 der 542. Volks-Gren.Div. Nr. 1-128 : Mappe Nr. 1. 542. Volks-Grenadier-Division, 1944. 201 p. DHI 500-12477-922.
  69. Anlagen zum Kriegstagebuch Nr. 7. Der Führungs-Abt. I a XXXX. Pz. Korps. : Nr. 299-512 - Band 2. XXXX. Panzer-Korps, 1944. 421 p. NARA T314 R974 52927/3.
  70. Battr.-Einteilung der 5/SS Pz Art Regiment. 1. SS-Panzer-Division, 1944. 67 p. NARA T354 R624 78007/65.
  71. Divisionsbefehl Nr. 45. 79. Infanterie-Division, 1944. 4 p. DHI 500-12480-9.
  72. Kennzeichnung von Truppenfahrzeugen. 35. Infanterie-Division, 1944. 4 p. DHI 500-12477-269.
  73. Offene Truppenteilbezeichnung im Feldheer. 306. Infanterie-Division, 1944. 3 p. DHI 500-12480-9.
  74. SS Pz. Gr. Rgt. 2. 1944. 168 p. NARA T354 R625 78008/73.
  75. Verzeichnis der im Rußlandfeldzug der 3. Panzer-Armee unterstellten Korps u. Divisionen. 3. Panzer-Armee, 1944. 37 p. DHI 500-12466-46.
  76. Zusammenstellung der Truppenerkennungszeichen der 9. Armee. 9. Armee, 1944. 1 p. Anlage zu A.O.K. 9 Ia Nr. 872/44 geheim. DHI 500-12477-321.