The 15 cm Stu H 43 (L/12) was the main armament of the Sturmpanzer.

Production Costs

15 cm Stu H 43 (L/12)
Iron 3760 kg
Molybdenum 21.2 kg
Chromium 0.3
Tin 0.03 kg
Cupper 0.5 kg
Lead 0.02 kg
Zink 0.06 kg

Technical Information

15 cm Stu H 43 (L/12)
Caliber 150 mm
Barrel length 1810 mm
Barrel length in calibers 12.1
Weight, gun 1850 kg
Rate of fire 1-2 rpm
Barrel life 1000-1500 rounds



Round 15 cm Igr 38 15 cm Igr 39 Hl/A 15 cm Igr 38 Nb
Type HE HEAT Smoke
Physical characteristics
Length, shot 660 mm 572 mm 638 mm
Weight, shot 38.0 kg 25.0 kg 38.5 kg
Explosive contents, shot 8.50 kg 4.14 kg 2.18 kg
Propellant, charge 1 172 or 187 grams1Standard or substitute charge.
Propellant, charge 2 101 or 73 grams1Standard or substitute charge.
Propellant, charge 3 117 or 98 grams1Standard or substitute charge.
Propellant, charge 4 103 or 87 grams1Standard or substitute charge.
Propellant, charge 5 85 or 75 grams1Standard or substitute charge.
Propellant, charge 6 40 or 37 grams1Standard or substitute charge.


Round 15 cm Igr 38 15 cm Igr 39 Hl/A 15 cm Igr 38 Nb
Muzzle velocity Range Muzzle velocity Range Muzzle velocity Range
1 charge 125 m/s 1300 m - - 124 m/s 1250 m
2 charges 152 m/s 1900 m - - 151 m/s 1850 m
3 charges 185 m/s 2700 m - - 183 m/s 2650 m
4 charges 210 m/s 3400 m - - 208 m/s 3350 m
5 charges 230 m/s 3975 m 275 5150 m 228 m/s 3900 m
6 charges 240 m/s 4275 m - - 238 m/s 4200 m

High Explosive Effect

15 cm Igr 38
Detonation Both sides Forwards Backwards
Impact up to 25 degrees 60 m 20 m 10 m
Impact above 25 degrees 60 m 30 m 20 m
Air burst up to 10 m 65-70 m 30 m 5 m
Air burst 10-30 m Effect decreases with height
Air burst above 30 m No effect


  1. Standard or substitute charge. Back


  1. Vorläufige Schußtafel für die 15 cm Sturmhaubitze 43 (L/12) - 15 cm Stu H 43 (L/12) - mit 15 cm Infanteriegranate 38, 15 cm Infanteriegranate 39 Hl/A, 15 cm Infanteriegranate 38 Nebel. 1943. 65 p. H Dv 119/336. NARA T283 R12.
  2. PAWLAS, Karl R. Waffen-Revue W 127 - Datenblätter für Heeres-Waffen, -Fahrzeuge und Gerät. Nurnberg : Publizistisches Archiv für Militär- und Waffenwessen, 1976. 248 p. ISBN 3-88088-213-4.
  3. von Wedelstaedt. Zusammenstellung der Explosivstoffgewichte für deutsche Munition (zu H. Dv. 450 Rdnr. 46). Berlin : WaA, 1944. 39 p. Merkblatt geheim 28/1.